Bahasa Indonesia
Refleksi Diri Bagi Seorang Pembelajar Seumur Hidup dalam Proses Pembelajaran Terus-menerus agar mencapai SUCCESS, menurut William Edwards Deming:
- Jika kita TIDAK bertanya, maka kita TIDAK belajar, Karena TANPA pertanyaan-pertanyaan, maka TIDAK ADA pembelajaran. Diambil dari kutipan: “Without questions, there is no learning“.
- Meskipun kita bertanya, TETAPI apabila kita TIDAK mengajukan pertanyaan yang benar, maka kita TIDAK menemukan apa-apa. Diambil dari kutipan: “If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing”.
- Jika kita TIDAK memahami, maka kita TIDAK dapat mendengar. Diambil dari kutipan: “You can not hear what you do not understand”.
- Kita seharusnya diarahkan oleh TEORI, bukan oleh angka-angka. Diambil dari kutipan: “We should be guided by theory, NOT by numbers“.
- Agar kita berperilaku RASIONAL, maka kita membutuhkan TEORI, karena perilaku REAKTIF hanya membutuhkan Reflex Action. Diambil dari kutipan: “Rational Behavior requires theory. Reactive behavior requires only reflex action”.
- Jika kita TIDAK memahami TEORI, maka kita TIDAK akan memiliki pengetahuan. Diambil dari kutipan: “There is NO knowledge, Without theory”.
- Khusus untuk pembelajaran dalam bidang KUALITAS dan BISNIS, maka memahami VARIASI adalah KUNCI menuju SUCCESS. Diambil dari kutipan: “Understanding VARIATION, is the key to SUCCESS in quality and business”.
- Kita dalam bekerja HARUS mengetahui bagaimana tugas kita berkontribusi. Diambil dari kutipan: “People need to know how their job contributes“.
- Kita baru akan peduli pada diri kita apabila kita berkontribusi pada SISTEM. Diambil dari kutipan: “People care more for themselves when they contribute to the system“.
- Posisi kita dalam manajemen adalah bertugas untuk mengetahui sistem-sistem mana yang STABIL dan sistem-sistem mana yang TIDAK stabil? Kemudian kita meningkatkan kinerja dari SISTEM, untuk selanjutnya MENGOPTIMUMKAN kinerja seluruh SISTEM itu. Diambil dari kutipan: “Management’s job is to know which systems are stable and which are not“. “Management’s job is to improve the system“, and “Management’s job is to optimize the whole system“.
- Ketiadaan pengetahuan merupakan akar masalah dari sistem. Diambil dari kutipan: “Lack of knowledge ….. that is the problem“.
- KESIMPULAN: Pengetahuan adalah KUNCI. Diambil dari kutipan: “Knowledge is the key“.
Bahan Refleksi: Mengikuti kuliah, seminar-seminar, membaca buku-buku teks BELUM TENTU memperoleh pengetahuan!!
Self-Reflection in order Not to Be Easily Fooled By Blank Promises!
Self-Reflection for a Lifetime Learner in a Continuous Learning Process to achieve SUCCESS, according to William Edwards Deming:
- If we DO NOT ask, then we DO NOT learn, Because WITHOUT QUESTIONS, THERE IS NO LEARNING. Taken from the quote: “Without questions, there is no learning“.
- Although we ask, BUT if we DO NOT ask the right questions, then we will NOT find anything. Taken from the quote: “If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing”.
- If we do NOT understand, then we can NOT hear. Taken from the quote: “You can not hear what you do not understand”.
- We should be directed by THEORY, not by numbers. Taken from the quote: “We should be guided by theory, NOT by numbers“.
- In order for us to behave Rationally, then we need THEORY, because REACTIVE behavior only requires Reflex Action. Taken from the quote: “Rational Behavior requires theory. Reactive behavior requires only reflex action”.
- If we DO NOT understand THEORY, then we will NOT have knowledge. Taken from the quote: “There is NO knowledge, Without theory”.
- Especially for learning in the field of QUALITY and BUSINESS, then understanding the VARIATION is the KEY towards SUCCESS. Taken from the quote: “Understanding VARIATION, is the key to SUCCESS in quality and business”.
- We, in working, MUST know how our tasks contribute. Taken from the quote: “People need to know how their job contributes“.
- We will only begin to care about ourselves if we contribute to SYSTEM. Taken from the quote: “People care more for themselves when they contribute to the system“.
- Our position in management is in charge of knowing which systems are STABLE and which systems are NOT stable? Then we improve the performance of the SYSTEM, to further OPTIMIZE the performance of the entire SYSTEM. Taken from the quote: “Management’s job is to know which systems are stable and which are not“. “Management’s job is to improve the system“, and “Management’s job is to optimize the whole system“.
- The absence of knowledge is the system’s root of the problem. Taken from the quote: “Lack of knowledge ….. that is the problem“.
- CONCLUSION: Knowledge is KEY. Taken from the quote: “Knowledge is the key“.
Reflection Material: Attending lectures, seminars, reading textbooks are NOT NECESSARILY the means to gaining knowledge !!
Best Regards for SUCCESS.
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