Bahasa Indonesia
Peranan Swasta di Indonesia akan semakin meningkat di masa yang akan datang seperti yang telah terjadi di negara-negara maju sekarang.
Pemerintah Daerah yang TIDAK memahami kebutuhan PRAKTEK Bisnis (Business Process Management) akan SULIT menjalin kemitraan dengan dunia bisnis sehingga tidak dapat memanfaatkan OPPORTUNITY untuk melakukan Public-Private Partnership.
An Opportunity to Introduce (Government Entrepreneurship) to Local Government Officials of Jakarta
Private sector’s role in Indonesia will keep increasing in the future like what has happened in the developed nations today.
Local Government that DOES NOT understand the need for Business Process Management will STRUGGLE to partner up with the business world; thus, it won’t be able to harness the OPPORTUNITY to do Public-Private Partnerships.
Best Regards for SUCCESS.