Bahasa Indonesia
Tulisan Berseri (Seri 1): Pembuktian secara Logika bahwa Takut Gagal Hanya sebuah Ilusi.
Banyak orang GAGAL takut memulai sesuatu karena TAKUT GAGAL. Dari cara berpikir sistem ini merupakan kesalahan berpikir, karena GAGAL atau SUCCESS adalah output dari suatu proses setelah suatu ACTION dilakukan. Sedangkan TAKUT GAGAL hanya perasaan dalam pikiran yang menyebabkan ACTION TIDAK dilakukan, sehingga tidak ada HASIL (apakah HASIL GAGAL: Tidak Mencapai Target atau HASIL SUCCESS: Mencapai atau melebihi Target).
Cara menghilangkan perasaan TAKUT GAGAL adalah tunjukkan atau buktikan langsung melalui pelemparan sekeping koin mata uang yang bertuliskan SUCCESS vs. GAGAL. Kemudian hasil pelemparan dicatat pada kolom terlampir yang berjumlah 100 kolom. Siapkan HADIAH bombastis, misalnya: Anda (TAKUT GAGAL) akan memperoleh uang Rp. 10.000.000 atau sebuah motor baru bertuliskan HADIAH UNTUK PEMENANG YANG BERPIKIRAN “TAKUT GAGAL”, apabila 100 kolom itu (semua kolom) tercatat GAGAL (0 kali pelemparan koin SUCCESS yang muncul) dari pelemparan 100 kali koin SUCCESS vs. GAGAL itu.
Itu hal yang MUSTAHIL bahwa dari 100 kali pelemparan koin akan muncul 100 kali sisi GAGAL!
Secara teori probabilitas (Statistika), jika kedua sisi koin itu seimbang, maka akan muncul sisi GAGAL = sisi SUCCESS, sehingga akan ada sekitar 50 kali GAGAL dan 50 kali SUCCESS dari 100 kali pelemparan koin. Dalam notasi peluang ditulis: P(SUCCESS) = P (GAGAL) = 0,5. Artinya secara alamiah, apabila suatu tindakan diserahkan pada keadaan alam, maka probabilitas untuk terjadi GAGAL dan SUCCESS sama yaitu 50% (disebut fifty-fifty).
Ini pembuktian 1 bahwa TAKUT GAGAL hanya sebuah ILUSI. Saya akan lanjutkan pada pembuktian ke-2, dstnya.
Tulisan Berseri (Seri 2): Pembuktian secara Logika untuk Meruntuhkan Mental Takut Gagal bahwa Kita Bisa Merencanakan Success.
Dalam tulisan pertama telah ditunjukkan bahwa jika segala sesuatu dibiarkan berjalan secara alamiah (natural) TANPA intervensi manusia, maka probabilitas SUCCESS akan sama dengan probabilitas GAGAL yaitu 50%. Tentu saja sebagai orang yang memiliki keterampilan dari hasil pembelajaran manajemen, kita bisa mempengaruhi agar sistem itu bisa dikendalikan oleh kita. Dalam konteks SUCCESS vs. GAGAL, maka kita bisa merencanakan agar probabilitas SUCCESS menjadi meningkat mendekati 100%. Bagaimana caranya? Ikuti pembuktian ke-2 untuk meruntuhkan perasaan TAKUT GAGAL.
Dalam manajemen berlaku jika kita GAGAL dalam perencanaan, maka kita sedang merencanakan GAGAL. Jadi kita harus merencanakan secara cermat agar SUCCESS. Output dari suatu perencanaan adalah Rencana AKSI (Action Plan) yang biasanya menggunakan pendekatan 5W-2H (What, Why, When, Where, Who, How, and How Much). Saya akan menjelaskan ilustrasi kasus nyata (bukan lagi tentang pelemparan koin SUCCESS vs. GAGAL).
Sebagai seorang Entrepreneur (Wira Usaha) yang melihat segala sesuatu dari sudut pandang OPPORTUNITY, maka saya melihat ada idle resources dari sebuah perusahaan berupa dana yang tidak terpakai atau tidak produktif karena HANYA disimpan di bank dengan tingkat bunga sekitar 8% per tahun (belum dipotong pajak 20%).
Dalam proses kewirausahaan, OPPORTUNITY HARUS mencari Resources melalui komunikasi yang meyakinkan kepada pemilik RESOURCES bahwa penggunaan Resources itu akan menghasilkan manfaat yang SIGNIFIKAN.
Saya menawarkan konsultasi secara GRATIS (tidak dibayar alias Rp. 0) untuk membuktikan proses kewirausahaan akan berlaku nyata BUKAN sekedar TEORI belaka. Ketika pertama kali menawarkan OPPORTUNITY untuk berinvestasi dalam bidang PROPERTY, semua pihak mulai dari Presiden Direktur sampai manajer-manajer TAKUT GAGAL, apalagi menyangkut uang bermilyar rupiah. Saya memberikan contoh pelemparan koin dalam pembuktian pertama di atas untuk meruntuhkan perasaan TAKUT GAGAL. Setelah logika pembuktian pertama berhasil meruntuhkan perasaan TAKUT GAGAL, maka strategi kedua adalah menerapkan keterampilan 5W-2H yang saya sebut rahasia BERANI GAGAL 5W-2H seperti bagan terlampir.
Saya mulai menyusun komunikasi 5W-2H secara bertahap sebagai berikut.
- What (Apa)? Investasi Property (Memindahkan sejumlah uang dari bank ke bisnis property).
- Why (Mengapa)? Agar meningkatkan ROI (Return on Investment) dari bank yang hanya 8% per tahun (sebelum dipotong pajak 20%) menjadi minimum 25% per tahun.
Catatan: Target 25% per tahun.
- When (Kapan)? Mulai November 2013.
- Where (Di mana)? Di Puncak, Ciloto, karena berdasarkan survei pasar pada semua developer Kondotel, maka terpilih SAHID EMINENCE yang termurah harganya, lokasinya strategik dan bagus, ijin-ijin lengkap, manajemen profesional, dan pemilik TAKUT kepada Tuhan (Allah).
- Who (Siapa)? VG yang menjadi Team Leader dan bertanggung jawab 100% untuk mencapai target SUCCESS.
- How (Bagaimana)? Tinggal mengikuti prosedur pembelian property (Kondotel = Kondominium Hotel).
- How Much (Berapa)? Cost and Benefit: Cost yang harus dikeluarkan adalah 37 unit x Rp. 850.000.000/unit = Rp. 31.450.000.000. Jika target tercapai (ROI = 25% per tahun), maka pada akhir 2016 (3 tahun sejak November 2016 akan menghasilkan ROI = 3 x 25% = 75%). Sehingga total pengembalian = Rp. 31.450.000.000 x 1,75 = Rp. 55.037.500.000. Jika menyimpan uang di bank, maka total pengembalian = Rp. 31.450.000.000 + Pokok x 3 thn x 8%/tahun x 80% (dipotong pajak 20%) = Rp. 31.450.500.000 + Rp. 6.038.400.000 = Rp. 37.488.400.000.
Keputusan sesuai Rencana Aksi 5W-2H, karena nilai investasi property akan menghasilkan total pengembalian = Rp. 55.037.500.000 > Rp. 37.488.400.000 (simpan uang di bank), maka AKSI membeli property HARUS dilakukan.
Terjadilah eksekusi Rencana Aksi 5W-2H di atas. TETAPI agar menambah keyakinan pihak pemilik modal, maka VG menjamin semua aset di hadapan NOTARIS dengan jaminan jika sampai akhir 2016 tidak memperoleh keuntungan di atas 75%, maka VG akan menambahkan kekurangan tersebut. Tetapi apabila di atas 75% dalam masa 3 tahun, maka keuntungan HARUS dibagi kepada VG 49% dan pemilik modal 51% dari selisih di atas nilai ROI 75% itu.
CATATAN: itulah keberanian seorang Entrepreneur, TIDAK DIGAJI, MASIH BERANI GAGAL dengan menjaminkan asetnya.
Apa yang terjadi kemudian?
Per September 2014, pekerjaan konstruksi di mulai, dan property telah terjual 80%. Harga per September 2014 ini telah mencapai Rp. 1.350.000.000 per unit. Berarti nilai aset per September 2014 telah menjadi: 37 unit x Rp. 1.350.000.000 = Rp. 49.950.000.000. Prediksi VG pada akhir tahun 2016 di mana semua unit telah terbangun dengan fasilitas kondotel bintang lima, maka harga per unit akan menjadi: Rp. 2,5 M per unit. Sehingga perhitungan manfaat ekonomis akan menjadi:
- Total pengembalian berdasarkan jaminan VG (ROI 75% dalam 3 tahun) sampai akhir 2016 = Rp. 55.037.500.000
- Total pengembalian berdasarkan prediksi VG di akhir tahun 2016 = 37 unit x Rp. 2,5M/unit = Rp. 92.500.000.000
- Selisih keuntungan di atas ROI 75% = Rp. 92.500.000.000 – Rp. 55.037.500.000 = Rp. 37.462.500.000.
- Proporsi pemilik modal memperoleh tambahan keuntungan 51% (Sedikit lebih tinggi dari VG) = Rp. 37.462.500.000 x 51% = Rp. 19.105.875.000.
- Proporsi VG atas mental BERANI GAGAL (Menggunakan Modal Orang Lain) = Rp. 37.462.500.000 x 49% = Rp. 18.356.625.000
Jika asumsi semua di atas bisa berlaku (tentu saja atas restu dari Tuhan), maka VG TIDAK PERLU KORUPSI akan memperoleh minimum Rp. 18M dalam masa tiga tahun (36 bulan) atau rata-rata PASSIVE INCOME per bulan = Rp. 18.356.625.000 / 36 = Rp. 509,906,250 per bulan. Bandingkan dengan gaji seorang Presiden Direktur perusahaan (TANPA KORUPSI) yang berkisar Rp. 250 juta/bulan dan HARUS bekerja di bawah tekanan target-target perusahaan, kemacetan lalu lintas, intervensi pemegang saham, dll.
Pembuktian di atas menunjukkan bahwa profesi Entrepreneur TIDAK HARUS membutuhkan modal uang, karena banyak PEMODAL membutuhkan Entrepreneur yang BERANI GAGAL (Berani Menghadapi Risiko Tinggi) dengan POSITIVE ATTITUDE yang selalu mencari OPPORTUNITY untuk menguntungkan orang lain (mitra/partner kerja).
Tulisan berikut tentang pembuktian bahwa mental TAKUT GAGAL HANYA ILUSI adalah SIAP MENGHADAPI MASALAH dengan senjata PROBLEM SOLVING.
Tulisan Berseri (Seri 3 – Habis): Siap Menghadapi Masalah, Jika Terjadi Kegagalan.
Adalah lebih baik GAGAL meskipun telah melaksanakan Rencana AKSI 5W-2H secara cermat dan hati-hati daripada TAKUT GAGAL sehingga TIDAK melakukan apa-apa. Jika terjadi GAGAL dalam pengertian bahwa TARGET tidak tercapai, maka rencana SOLUSI MASALAH harus dilakukan. Manfaat yang diterima meskipun GAGAL adalah pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan keterampilan PROBLEM SOLVING, sehingga TETAP mempertahankan bahkan meningkatkan mental BERANI GAGAL terus-menerus menggunakan Rencana AKSI 5W-2H.
Jika seandainya pada akhir tahun 2016, skenario dalam Rencana AKSI (5W-2H) untuk kasus investasi property di atas tidak sesuai target dan terjadi ke-GAGAL-an, katakanlah harga property per unit hanya bertahan di angka Rp. 1.350.000.000 (meskipun secara teori probabilitas berkemungkinan sangat kecil), maka sesuai kesepakatan VG akan mengalami kerugian sebagai berikut:
- Total pengembalian berdasarkan jaminan VG (ROI 75% dalam 3 tahun) sampai akhir 2016 = Rp. 55.037.500.000 (TARGET)
- Nilai AKTUAL (Realisasi) HANYA: 37 unit x Rp. 1.350.000.000 = Rp. 49.950.000.000
- SELISIH (GAP) = MASALAH: VG HARUS menanggung kerugian sebesar Rp. 55.037.500.000 (TARGET) – Rp. 49.950.000.000 (AKTUAL) = Rp. 5.087.500.000 (SELISIH = GAP antara TARGET – AKTUAL).
- Jika memang masalah terjadi atas IJIN TUHAN, maka kita HARUS SIAP menyelesaikan masalah itu. Mungkin pertama kali melakukan RENEGOSIASI, karena FAKTA si pemilik MODAL telah untung jika dibandingkan HANYA menginvestasikan uang di Bank. Jika menyimpan uang di bank, maka total pengembalian = Rp. 31.450.000.000 + Pokok x 3 thn x 8%/tahun x 80% (dipotong pajak 20%) = Rp. 31.450.500.000 + Rp. 6.038.400.000 = Rp. 37.488.400.000, sedangkan melalui investasi property telah mencapai Rp. 49.950.000.000 (harga property tidak meningkat sehingga pada akhir tahun 2016 sama dengan September 2014), berarti ada keuntungan: Rp. 49.950.000.000 – Rp. 37.488.400.000 = Rp. 12.461.600.000.
- Jika pemilik MODAL tidak mau bernegosiasi dan HARUS memberlakukan perjanjian kontrak di hadapan NOTARIS, maka kita HARUS SIAP kehilangan aset senilai Rp. 5.087.500.000, JANGAN INGKAR JANJI (Wanprestasi), karena NAMA BAIK lebih berharga daripada uang berapapun.
CATATAN: UANG (Usaha Agar Nama Gemilang) jauh lebih penting daripada rupiah berapapun nilainya.
Pembelajaran yang diperoleh adalah melakukan analisis mengapa GAGAL? menggunakan akronim GAGAL berikut:
- G = Gairah/Semangat Hidup
- A = Alasan mengapa Gagal?
- G = Gagasan/Ide perbaikan (solusi masalah)
- A = Aplikasi Gagasan/Ide solusi masalah
- L = Lanjutkan kehidupan ber-KKN (Kesetiaan, KASIH-Kehendak Allah Selalu Isi Hati, Nyata: G.I.G.I.H.: Gairah, IMAN-Ikhlas Menjadikan Allah Nakhoda, Gagasan/ide kreatif, Ilmu solusi masalah, HATI-Harmonisasi Antara Tindakan dan IMAN) dengan Tuhan.
Selanjutnya jalani saja kehidupan secara NORMAL dan tetap ber-IMAN (Ikhlas Menjadikan Allah Nakhoda) untuk menuju SUCCESS lain yang lebih besar di masa mendatang. TIDAK PERLU masuk dan belajar pada sekolah kehidupan sehingga lulus Summa Cumlaude S1 (Stress), S2 (Stroke), dan Stop (S3: Meninggal Dunia).
Secara diagram SOLUSI MASALAH ditunjukkan dalam Bagan terlampir.
Jika tulisan 1, 2, dan 3 di atas diterapkan secara KONSISTEN maka akan memberikan efek berantai seperti bola salju yang akan menghilangkan mental TAKUT GAGAL, sehingga menghambat upaya-upaya menuju SUCCESS seperti Bagan terlampir.
Coin Toss Results’ Columns: FAILURE vs. SUCCESS.
Writing Series 1: Logical Proof that Fear of Failure is Just an Illusion.
Many people are afraid to begin something because they FEAR to FAIL. This system way of thinking is a mistake of thinking, because FAILURE or SUCCESS is an output of a process after an ACTION has been done. Whereas, FEAR of FAILURE is just a feeling in the mind that causes ACTION IS NOT done, so that there would not be a RESULT (whether RESULT of FAILURE: Not Achieving a Target or RESULT of SUCCESS: Achieving or Exceeding Target).
One way to eliminate the Fear of FAILURE is to directly show or prove it through the tossing of a coin that has been written SUCCESS and FAILURE on each side. Then, the result of coin tosses is noted in the attached columns that have 100 cells in total. Prepare a bombastic REWARD, for example: You (FEAR of FAILURE) will receive Rp 10,000,000 or a new bike that says REWARD for the WINNER who has FEAR of FAILURE, if all 100 cells have FAILURE in them (0 time the coin toss shows SUCCESS out of those 100 coin tosses of SUCCESS vs. FAILURE).
That is IMPOSSIBLE that out of 100 times coin tosses the side of FAILURE would show up 100 times!
By theory of probability (Statistics), if both sides of the coin are equal, then the numbers of appearance of FAILURE side = SUCCESS side’s; hence, there would be about 50 times FAILURE side would appear and 50 times SUCCESS side would appear out of 100 times the total of coin tosses made. In the notion of opportunities, it is written: P(SUCCESS) = P (FAILURE) = 0.5. Naturally, this means if an action is submitted to natural condition, then the probability of SUCCESS and FAILURE is equal, which is 50% each (also called fifty-fifty).
This is the first verification that FEAR of FAILURE is only an ILLUSION. I’ll continue to the second verification, and so on.
Writing Series 2: Logical Proof to Tear Down Fear of Failure Mentality in order to Plan for Success.
In the first writing, it’s been shown that if anything is left running naturally WITHOUT human interference, then the probability of SUCCESS would be equal to the probability of FAILURE, which is 50%. Of course, as someone with skills obtained from management study, we can influence so that system can be controllable. In the context of SUCCESS vs. FAILURE, then we can plan so that the probability of SUCCESS would increase closing to 100%. How to do it? Follow the second verification to tear down the feeling of FEAR of FAILURE.
In applied management, if we FAIL in planning, then we are planning for FAILURE. Therefore, we have to plan carefully in order to SUCCEED. Output of a planning is (Action Plan), which usually uses 5W-2H approach (What, Why, When, Where, Who, How, and How Much). I’ll explain a real case illustration (not about the SUCCESS vs. FAILURE coin toss).
As an Entrepreneur who sees everything from the OPPORTUNITY point of view, then I see whether there are idle resources from a company such as an unused or non-productive fund because it’s ONLY been kept in bank with interest of around 8% per year (before tax of 20%).
In entrepreneurship, OPPORTUNITY is to find Resources through convincing communication to the owner ofRESOURCES that the utilization of those Resources would generate SIGNIFICANT benefits.
I offer FREE consultation (unpaid alias Rp 0) to prove that the entrepreneurship process would really apply, NOT just a sheer THEORY. When I first offered an investment OPPORTUNITY in PROPERTY, all parties beginning from the President Director to managers FEARED to FAIL, especially when it’s involving billions of rupiahs. I gave the example of coin toss as the first verification above to tear down the feeling of FEAR of FAILURE. After the first logical verification had successfully torn down the FEAR of FAILURE feeling, then the next strategy was to implement 5W-2H skill that I called the secret of DARE to FAIL 5W-2H as seen on the attached picture.
I began to gradually compile the 5W-2H communication as follows.
- What? Property Investment (Moved some money from bank to property business).
- Why? In order to increase ROI (Return on Investment) from bank that was only 8% per year (before 20% tax) into minimum 25% per year.
Note: Target set was 25% per year.
- When? Beginning in November 2013.
- Where? In Puncak, Ciloto, because based on the market survey made on all Condotel developers, then SAHID EMINENCE was selected because it had the lowest costs, strategic and good location, complete permits, professional management, and the owner who FEAR God (Allah).
- Who? VG would be the Team Leader and 100% responsible to reach the SUCCESSFUL target.
- How? Just follow the buying procedure of property (Condotel = Condominium Hotel).
- How Much? Costs and Benefits: Costs incurred are 37 unit x Rp 850,000,000/unit = Rp 31,450,000,000. If target would be reached (ROI = 25% per year), then by the end of 2016 (3 years since November 2016) would generate ROI = 3 x 25% = 75%. Therefore the total returns = Rp 31,450,000,000 x 1.75 = Rp 55,037,500,000. If only had kept the money in bank, then the total returns = Rp 31,450,000,000 + Interest x 3 years x 8%/year x 80% (after 20% tax) = Rp 31,450,500,000 + Rp 6,038,400,000 = Rp 37,488,400,000.
The decision according to Action Plan 5W-2H: because the value of property investment would generate total returns = Rp 55,037,500,000 > Rp 37,488,400,000 (had only kept money in bank), then the ACTION of buying property MUST be done.
The execution of the Action Plan 5W-2H actually happened. BUT, in order to add conviction to the capital owners, then VG guaranteed all assets, in front of a NOTARY, that if until the end of 2016, the company wouldn’t get the returns above 75%, then VG would add/cover the differences. But, if the returns would be above 75% in 3 years, then the extra differential profits beyond that 75% ROI OUGHT to be divided 49% to VG and 51% to the capital owners.
Note: that is the courage of anEntrepreneur, NOT BEING PAID, STILL DARES to FAIL by pledging his/her assets.
What happened next?
Per September 2014, the construction work started, and property had been 80% sold out. The value per this September 2014 had reached Rp 1,350,000,000 per unit. This means the assets value per September 2014 had become: 37 units x Rp 1,350,000,000 = Rp 49,950,000,000. VG’s prediction by the end of 2016 when all units would have been built with five star condotel facilities, then the value per unit would have become: Rp 2.5 Billions per unit. Thus, the economic benefits calculation would be:
- Total returns based on VG’s guarantee (ROI 75% in 3 years) until the end of 2016 = Rp 55,037,500,000
- Total returns based on VG’s prediction by the end of 2016 = 37 units x Rp 2.5M/unit = Rp 92,500,000,000
- The extra differential profits above ROI 75% = Rp 92,500,000,000 – Rp 55,037,500,000 = Rp 37,462,500,000.
- Proportion for capital owners of receiving 51% share of the extra differential profits (A little bit more than VG’s) = Rp 37,462,500,000 x 51% = Rp 19,105,875,000.
- Proportion for VG of receiving 49%share of the extra differential profits because of DARE to FAIL mentality (Using Other People’s Money) = Rp 37,462,500,000 x 49% = Rp 18,356,625,000
Assuming everything above could apply (Jika asumsi semua di atas bisa berlaku (of course on God’s blessing), then VG DIDN’T NEED to CORRUPT and would have minimum Rp 18 Billions in 3 years (36 months) or average monthly PASSIVE INCOME of = Rp 18,356,625,000 / 36 = Rp 509,906,250 per month. Compare that to the salary of a President Director (WITHOUT CORRUPTION) which is about Rp 250 millions/month and MUST work under the pressures of company’s targets, traffic jams, shareholder interventions, etc.
The proof above shows that the profession as an Entrepreneur DOESN’T HAVE to need money capital, because many CAPITAL OWNERS who need Entrepreneurs who DARE to FAIL (Dare to Face High Risk) with POSITIVE ATTITUDE who always seek OPPORTUNITY to benefit other people (working partners).
The following writing about the proof that FEAR of FAILURE mentaility is ONLY AN ILLUSION is to READILY FACE PROBLEMS with PROBLEM SOLVING weapon.
Writing Series 3 – End: Ready to Face Problems, If There Would Be Failure.
It is better to FAIL despite having carefully and throughly implemented 5W-2H Action Plan than to FEAR to FAIL and do NOT do anything. If there would be FAILURE, in the context that the TARGET couldn’t be achieved, then the PROBLEM SOLVING plan ought to be done. The Benefit received from FAILURE is the learning to improve PROBLEM SOLVING skills; thus, you’d KEEP maintaining or even increasing DARE to FAIL mentality continuously through 5W-2H ACTION PLAN.
Suppose that by the end of 2016, the scenario within the (5W-2H ACTION PLAN) for the property investment case above did not reach its target and FAILURE happened, say the value of property per unit was only stayed at Rp 1,350,000,000 (although it has very small probability), then as per agreement, VG would experience potential losses as follows:
- Total returns based on VG’s guarantee(ROI 75% in 3 years) until the end of 2016 = Rp 55,037,500,000 (TARGET)
- ACTUAL Value (Realization) ONLY: 37 units x Rp 1,350,000,000 = Rp 49,950,000,000
- DIFFERENCE (GAP) = PROBLEM: VG OUGHT TO bear a loss of Rp 55,037,500,000 (TARGET) – Rp 49,950,000,000 (ACTUAL) = Rp 5,087,500,000 (DIFFERENCE = GAP between TARGET – ACTUAL).
- If that problem would have actually happened with GOD’S PERMISSION, then we HAD to be READY to solve that problem. Perhaps the first step would be to RENEGOTIATE, because IN FACT, the CAPITAL owners would have profited from it than from ONLY invested their money in Bank. If they only kept the money in bank, then the total returns = Rp 31,450,000,000 + Interest x 3 years x 8%/year x 80% (after 20% tax) = Rp 31,450,500,000 + Rp 6,038,400,000 = Rp 37,488,400,000, whereas through property investment, the money would have reached Rp 49,950,000,000 (assuming the property value didn’t increase until the end of 2016 or was equal to the value per September 2014); this means that there is a profit of: Rp 49,950,000,000 – Rp 37,488,400,000 = Rp 12,461,600,000.
- If CAPITAL owners didn’t want to renegotiate and enforced the contract agreement before a NOTARY, then we would HAVE BEEN READY to lose assets of Rp 5,087,500,000. DON’T BREAK A PROMISE (by default), because GOOD NAME (reputation) is more valuable than however much money.
NOTE: UANG (Usaha Agar Nama Gemilang/Effort to Make Name Brilliantly Well Known) is much more important than rupiahs however much they may be.
The lesson learned is to do analysis why do we GAGAL/Fail? using GAGAL/Fail as follows:
- G = Gairah/Semangat Hidup/Passion/Spirit to Live
- A = Alasan mengapa Gagal?/Reason why do we FAIL?/
- G = Gagasan/Ide perbaikan (solusi masalah)/Notion/refinement Idea (problem solving)
- A = Aplikasi Gagasan/Ide solusi masalah/Application of Idea/Problem Solving Idea
- L = Lanjutkan kehidupan ber-KKN/Continue living with KKN(Kesetiaan/Loyalty, KASIH/Love – Kehendak Allah Selalu Isi Hati/God’s Will Always Fulfills This Heart, Nyata/Realness: G.I.G.I.H./Persistent: Gairah/Passion, IMAN/Faith – Ikhlas Menjadikan Allah Nakhoda/Sincerely Making God The Helmsman, Gagasan/ide kreatif/Notion/creative idea, Ilmu solusi masalah/Problem solving knowledge, HATI/Heart – Harmonisasi Antara Tindakan dan IMAN) dengan Tuhan/Harmony Between Action and Faith with God.
The next step is just live a NORMAL life and remain ber-IMAN/Faithful (Ikhlas Menjadikan Allah Nakhoda/Sincerely Making God The Helmsman) toward other bigger SUCCESSES in the future. IT IS NOT NECESSARY to go and study at life’s university to reach Summa Cum Laude in S1/Bachelor’s degree (Stress), S2/Master’s degree (Stroke), and Stop (S3/Doctoral degree: Dead).
Diagrammatically, PROBLEM SOLVING is shown in the following attachment.
If the writing series 1, 2, and 3 above are implemented CONSISTENTLY, then it would create a snowball effect that would eliminate tha Fear to Fail mentality that hampers efforts toward SUCCESS as seen on the attached picture below.