Bahasa Indonesia
Siapapun dia, bagi seorang pebisnis professional HARUS mempertahankan U.A.N.G = Usaha Agar Nama Gemilang!! Jika kita berhutang, maka usahakan agar memenuhi kewajiban kita. Di sini “tantangan pertaruhan nama baik”!
Menurut Penggunaan Otak Kiri: Sepanjang ROI (Return On Investment) dari investasi yang dibiayai oleh hutang (pengembalian pokok pinjaman + bunga) lebih besar, maka sah-sah saja menggunakan dana hutang!! Tetapi Bukan ASAL SPEKULASI tanpa perhitungan!! Selama ini saya juga “membeli property” menggunakan hutang dari Bank dan karena ROI dari property jauh lebih besar daripada bunga bank, maka justru kita HARUS berhutang untuk “melipatgandakan harta-harta produktif” agar pendapatan PASIF cepat meningkat drastis!
Hal biasa bagi pebisnis professional: pernah memiliki aset sampai seratusan milyar rupiah, kemudian dinyatakan BANGKRUT! Ulangi lagi dengan cara yang lebih “SMARTS (Specific, Measurable, Actionable/Achievable, Results-oriented, Time-bound, Spirituality and Supported by all resources)”.
“Kesuksesan terbesar seseorang datang setelah kegagalan terberatnya”
Henry Ward Beecher
“Suatu hari kelak aku berharap aku menikmati cukup banyak apa yang disebut dunia keberhasilan sehingga seseorang akan bertanya padaku, ‘apa rahasiamu?’. Saya akan menjawab dengan sederhana seperti ini: ‘aku bangkit ketika aku jatuh’”
Paul Harvey
“Di belakang orang-orang sukses ada banyak tahun-tahun yang tidak sukses”
Bob Brown
“Saya tidak tahu kunci untuk sukses, tetapi kunci untuk gagal adalah menguntungkan diri sendiri dan merugikan orang lain”
Bill Cosby
“Orang hebat mampu mengendalikan orang lain, tetapi lebih hebat lagi kalau dia mampu mengendalikan dirinya sendiri.”
Lao Tzu
U.A.N.G./Money = Usaha Agar Nama Gemilang/Efforts to Make (Own) Name Brilliantly Known
Whoever he/she is, for a professional businessman/-woman, he/she MUST maintain U.A.N.G./Money = Usaha Agar Nama Gemilang/Efforts to Make (Own) Name Brilliantly Known!! If we are borrowing, then try to meet our responsibility. This is the challenge of “betting the good name”!
According to The Left Brain’s Use: As long as ROI (Return On Investment) from the investation that is financed by debts (repayment of principal + interest) is bigger, then it is legitimate to use debt funds!! But, it shouldn’t be just a MERE SPECULATION without calculation!! All this time, I also “bought property” using debts from Bank and because the ROI from that property is way bigger than bank’s interest, then we MUST owe money for “compounding the productive assets” in order to make PASSIVE income to quickly and drastically increase!
Common thing for professional businessperson: have had hundreds billions rupiahs worth of assets, then declared BANKRUPT! Restart the business with better ways that are more “SMARTS (Specific, Measurable, Actionable/Achievable, Results-oriented, Time-bound, Spirituality and Supported by all resources)”.
Best regards for SUCCESS
“Our best successes often come after our greatest disappointments”
Henry Ward Beecher
“Someday I hope to enjoy enough of what the world calls success so that someone will ask me, ‘What’s the secret of it?’ I shall say simply this: ‘I get up when I fall down.’”
Paul Harvey
“Behind every successful man there’s a lot of unsuccessful years”
Bob Brown
“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody”
Bill Cosby
“He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.”
Lao Tzu