Bahasa Indonesia
VG menggunakan Systems Thinking Application untuk menemukan Konsep VINCENT dan Formula SUCCESS. Penjelasan berikut tentang bagaimana menemukan Formula SUCCESS seperti Bagan Terlampir.
Contoh PRAKTEK “Systems Thinking Application” dapat membuat kita MAMPU menciptakan formula sendiri untuk SUCCESS, yaitu: S = (P x Q) / T , di mana S = SUCCESS, P = Productivity, Q = Quality, dan T = Time. Bagaimana memperoleh formula ini?
Sesungguhnya formula S = (P x Q) / T ini diturunkan dari formula fisika tentang Kecepatan menggunakan prinsip ANALOGI.
Rumus Fisika: v = s / t , di mana v = kecepatan, s = jarak, t = waktu tempuh.
Selanjutnya prinsip ANALOGI diterapkan sebagai berikut:
- Kecepatan = SUCCESS;
- Jarak = Perjalanan Hidup = Mulai Lahir – Meninggal Dunia (Tidak Diketahui Berapa Panjang atau Berapa Lama Karena merupakan Rahasia Tuhan), maka Dianggap Fixed (Tertentu), Sehingga Lama Hidup Tidak Bisa “diutak-atik”!
- Jika Jarak = Perjalanan Hidup Tidak Bisa “diutak-atik”, maka Waktu Tempuh yang harus diperpendek apabila menginginkan peningkatan SUCCESS (Kecepatan).
Dengan demikian diperoleh formula:
SUCCESS = (Masa Perjalanan Hidup: Lahir sampai Meninggal Dunia) / Time (Waktu Tempuh).
Formula pertama yang diperoleh ini membuktikan bahwa jika kita ingin CEPAT SUCCESS (S meningkat), maka Time (Waktu Tempuh) harus diperpendek (dikurangi/dipercepat), artinya Waktu mencapai SUCCESS HARUS dikurangi/dipercepat, agar kita menjadi CEPAT SUCCESS.
Persoalan berikut adalah mengisi variabel Jarak yang dianalogikan untuk masa perjalanan hidup itu. Artinya hal-hal apa yang HARUS dilakukan? Banyak orang hanya menyatakan agar diisi dengan hal-hal BAIK. TETAPI masalahnya adalah bagaimana mengukur variabel itu dalam bentuk satuan pengukuran? Karena segala sesuatu HARUS SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable/Achievable, Result-oriented, Time-bound/Timely). Jika kita HANYA menyatakan hal-hal baik, maka SULIT mengukur dalam skala pengukuran.
Karena kita bermaksud melatih/mendidik orang agar menjadi Wirausaha Profesional Menuju Kebebasan Finansial, maka tentu saja kita perlu mengambil kasus dalam bisnis dan industri menggunakan bahasa uang (Rp).
Jadi pertanyaan yang relevan adalah: Apa yang mau dilakukan selama masa perjalanan hidup (sejak lahir sampai meninggal dunia)?
Karena didesain untuk Wirausaha Profesional Menuju Kebebasan Finansial (Bahasa Uang), maka perhatikan prinsip-prinsip berikut:
- Profit = TR – TC atau Profitability = TR / TC , di mana TR = Total Revenue, TC = Total Cost.
- TR = Po x O dan TC = Pi x I sehingga TR / TC = (Po / Pi) x (O / I); O = Outputs dan I = Inputs, Po = harga Outputs, dan pi = harga Inputs.
- O/I = Productivity (Controllable), karena Fokus Manajemen pada Controllable variables, maka kita telah memperoleh variabel PRODUKTIVITAS (P = O / I sama dengan P = Outputs / Inputs)!
- Po / Pi = Rasio harga output terhadap harga input bersifat UNCONTROLLABLE BUT PREDICTABLE.
Berdasarkan prinsip Total Quality Management, agar rasio (Po / pi) meningkat, maka QUALITY harus ditingkatkan.
Dengan demikian variabel JARAK yang dianalogikan dengan Masa Perjalanan Hidup (sejak Lahir sampai Meninggal Dunia) HARUS diisi dengan variabel PRODUCTIVITY and QUALITY.
Menggunakan logika Systems Thinking Application, maka formula Fisika tentang kecepatan: v = s / t (kecepatan = jarak / waktu tempuh) TELAH dapat diubah menjadi:
SUCCESS = (Productivity x Quality) / Time; sehingga untuk mencapai SUCCESS yang CEPAT, maka kita HARUS meningkatkan PRODUCTIVITY yang diukur menggunakan P = O / I) dan QUALITY yang diukur berdasarkan tingkat kesalahan dalam melakukan sesuatu (orientasi BEBAS kesalahan = zero defects/errors sesuai filosofi dari Six Sigma), pada sisi lain WAKTU harus digunakan secara OPTIMUM.
Kemudian pertanyaan berikut adalah: Apa itu SUCCESS?
SUCCESS berkaitan dengan ke-PUAS-an, yaitu suatu Persepsi (Ekspektasi) Individu yang berlaku universal dan mengikuti Tata Nilai Universal.
Perhatikan Prinsip-prinsip ke-PUAS-an berikut:
- Sangat Puas, jika Aktual Kinerja lebih besar daripada Ekspektasi Kinerja (A > E)
- Puas, jika Aktual Kinerja = Ekspektasi Kinerja (A = E)
- Tidak Puas, jika Aktual Kinerja lebih kecil daripada Ekspektasi Kinerja (A < E)
Berdasarkan prinsip di atas, maka kita paling sedikit HARUS mencapai A = E, yaitu Aktual Kinerja sama dengan Ekspektasi Kinerja. Dengan demikian SUCCESS berhubungan dengan ke-PUAS-an. Itu makanya mengapa VG mengakronimkan PUAS = Pastikan Usaha Anda SUCCESS.
Kesimpulan: SUCCESS adalah menghasilkan ke-PUAS-an Dunia & Akhirat (Tulisan di batu nisan = Tidak Ada Penyesalan!), HARUS diisi dengan hal-hal yang PRODUKTIF dan ber-KUALITAS pada penggunaan WAKTU yang OPTIMUM. SUCCESS = ( Productivity x Quality ) / Time.
Demikian VG memanfaatkan “Systems Thinking Application” sehingga MAMPU mentransformasikan Formula Fisika menjadi Formula SUCCESS seperti Bagan Terlampir di atas.
Segala sesuatu apakah formula, konsep, dll, HARUS dapat dipertanggungjawabkan berdasarkan Systems Thinking Approach, untuk membuktikan konsistensi LOGIKA dari formula atau konsep itu.
The Benefit of Systems Thinking Application in Finding New Things
VG uses Systems Thinking Application to find VINCENT Concept and SUCCESS Formula. The following explanation about how to find SUCCESS Formula like the attached graph.
Example of “Systems Thinking Application” PRACTICE allows us to be ABLE to create our personal formula for SUCCESS, which is:S = (P x Q) / T , where S = SUCCESS, P = Productivity, Q = Quality, and T = Time. How do we get this formula?
Actually the formula S = (P x Q) / T is inspired from physics formula about Speed using the ANALOGOUS principle.
Physics Formula: v = s / t , where v = velocity, s = distance, t = traveling time.
Next, the ANALOGOUS principle is applied as follows:
- Velocity = SUCCESS;
- Distance = Life Jouney = From Birth – Death (Unknown How Long Would It Be Because It is God’s Secret), then is considered Fixed, so that Life’s Time Can’t Be “tampered with”!
- If Distance = Life Jouney Can’t Be “tampered with”, then Traveling Time must be shortened if you want an increased SUCCESS (Velocity).
Therefore, it is obtained the formula of:
SUCCESS = (Life Journey: Birth to Death) / Time (Traveling Time).
This first formula obtained proves that if we want QUICK SUCCESS (S increases), then Time (Traveling Time) must be shortened (reduced/accelerated), which means Time to reach SUCCESS MUST be reduced/accelerated, so that we can be QUICKLY SUCCESSFUL.
The following problem is to fill the Distance variable which is analogized for that life journey. This means what SHOULD be done? Many people only state for it to be filled with good things. BUT, the problem is how to measure that variable in the form of measurable unit? Because everything MUST BE SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable/Achievable, Result-oriented, Time-bound/Timely). If we ONLY state good things, then it would be DIFFICULT to measure it in a measurable scale.
Because we are meant to train/teach people to be a Professional Entrepreneur Towards Financial Freedom, then certainly we need to take case in business and industry using the language of money (Rp).
So the relevant question is: What would you want to do during the life journey (from birth until death)?
Because it is designed for Professional Entrepreneur Towards Financial Freedom (The Language of Money), then note the following principles:
- Profit = TR – TC or Profitability = TR / TC , where TR = Total Revenue, TC = Total Cost.
- TR = Po x O and TC = Pi x I so that TR / TC = (Po / Pi) x (O / I); O = Outputs and I = Inputs, Po = price of Outputs, and pi = price of Inputs.
- O/I = Productivity (Controllable), because Management Focus is on the Controllable variables, then we have obtained PRODUCTIVITY variable (P = O / I is equivalent to P = Outputs / Inputs)!
- Po / Pi = Ratio of output price to input price is UNCONTROLLABLE, BUT PREDICTABLE in nature.
Based on the Total Quality Management principle, in order for (Po / Pi) ratio to increase, then QUALITY must be improved.
Therefore, DISTANCE variable that is analogized with the Life Journey (since Birth to Death) MUST be filled with the PRODUCTIVITY and QUALITY variables.
Using the logic of Systems Thinking Application, then Physics formula about velocity: v = s / t (velocity = distance / traveling time) HAS BEEN able to changed into:
SUCCESS = (Productivity x Quality) / Time; so that in order to reach SUCCESS QUICKLY, we then MUST increase PRODUCTIVITY that is measured using P = O / I) and QUALITY that is measured based on the level of error in doing something (error-FREE orientation = zero defects/errors in accordance to Six Sigma philosophy); on the other hand, TIME must be utilized OPTIMALLY.
Furthermore, the next question is: What is SUCCESS?
SUCCESS is related to ke-PUAS-an/Satisfaction, which is an universal Individual Perception (Expectation) that follows Universal Values.
Note the following ke-PUAS-an/Satisfaction Principles:
- Very Satisfied, if Actual Work is bigger than Expected Work(A > E)
- Satisfied, if Actual Work = Expected Work (A = E)
- Not Satisfied, if Actual Work is smaller than Expected Work (A < E)
Based on the above principle, then at the very least we MUST reach A = E, which is Actual Work equals to Expected Work. Thus, SUCCESS is related to ke-PUAS-an/Satisfaction. That is why VG creates acronym of PUAS/Satisfied = Pastikan Usaha Anda SUCCESS/Make Sure Your Business SUCCESSFUL.
Conclusion: SUCCESS is to generate ke-PUAS-an/Satisfaction of Worldly and Heavenly (The writing on the headstone = No Regret!), MUST be filled with PRODUCTIVE and QUALITY things on OPTIMAL TIME utilization. SUCCESS = ( Productivity x Quality ) / Time.
Thereby VG harnesses “Systems Thinking Application” so that he CAN transform Physics Formula into SUCCESS Formula like the attached graph above.
Everything whether formula, concept, etc., MUST be able to be accounted for based on Systems Thinking Approach, to prove LOGICAL consistency from that particular formula or concept.
Best Regards for SUCCESS.