Bahasa Indonesia
Informasi terlampir di atas bagi lulusan SMU yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikan Teknik (Engineering) untuk memilih bidang studi yang tepat sesuai minat dan kemampuannya. Keterkaitan beberapa bidang studi teknik sejak perkembangan awal dimulai dari Teknik Militer (Military Engineering) sampai yang terakhir adalah Teknik Sistem dan Industri (Industrial and Systems Engineering).
Kemungkinan Bidang Studi Teknik Sistem dan Industri sebagai suatu jurusan khusus belum ada di Indonesia mengingat lambatnya respon Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi terhadap perkembangan disiplin ilmu dalam bidang Teknik (Engineering). Jika demikian maka pilihan pada bidang studi yang telah ada di Indonesia seperti: Teknik Industri, Ilmu Komputer, dan Statistika Industri bisa dijadikan pintu masuk. Sehingga seseorang yang lulus S1 Teknik Industri/Ilmu Komputer/Statistika Industri bisa melanjutkan S2 dan S3 dalam bidang Teknik Sistem dan Industri. Bidang Studi Teknik Sistem dan Industri juga baru berkembang di USA sekitar 1980-an.
Pada dasarnya Teknik Sistem dan Industri adalah disiplin ilmu berorientasi sistem yang berkaitan dengan desain, instalasi, manajemen, operasional, dan peningkatan sistem-sistem industri. Jika melihat struktur anak panah yang menjadi input bagi Teknik Sistem dan Industri maka tampak bahwa proporsi terbesar berasal dari Teknik Industri, kemudian diikuti dengan Operations Research (Penelitian Operasional), Statistika Industri (Industrial Statistics), Ilmu Komputer (Computer Science) dan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial (Social Sciences).
Para insinyur dalam bidang Teknik Sistem dan Industri selalu berfokus pada peningkatan produktivitas dan kualitas dari sistem industri. Mereka melihat “gambaran besar” dari apa yang dapat membuat masyarakat industri melakukan hal-hal terbaik dalam keberlanjutan industri, melalui menggunakan kombinasi yang tepat dari sumber daya manusia, sumber daya alam, sumber daya modal, beserta struktur dan peralatan yang tersedia. Profesional di bidang ini menjembatani kesenjangan antara bidang manajemen dan bidang operasional, memotivasi orang dalam bekerja, termasuk menentukan kualifikasi material dan peralatan, perangkat komputer, dll, yang harus digunakan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan kualitas.
Singapura yang selalu CEPAT mengikuti perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah membuka jurusan Teknik Sistem dan Industri sejak S1 sampai S3. Siswa SMU yang kuat dalam bidang Matematika dan Statistika disarankan memasuki S1 Teknik Industri dan/atau Statistika Industri di Indonesia baru melanjutkan ke S2 Teknik Sistem dan Industri di luar negeri atau langsung memilih jurusan Teknik Sistem dan Industri di universitas luar negeri.
Salah satu universitas terbaik di dunia yang menyelenggarakan S1 sampai S3 dalam bidang Teknik Sistem dan Industri adalah National University of Singapore (NUS).
Informasi yang lebih lengkap tentang Teknik Sistem dan Industri dapat dilihat di sini.
Bagi mereka yang penasaran dan tertarik memahami secara mendalam tentang Teknik Sistem dan Industri silakan download buku terbaru (2014) berikut:
Profesional dalam bidang Teknik Sistem dan Industri ibarat kartu Joker dalam permainan kartu yang dapat ditempatkan di mana saja untuk membangun SISTEM yang produktif dan berkualitas. Contoh aplikasi ilmu Teknik Sistem dan Industri dalam membangun Sistem Pemeliharaan Kesehatan (Healthcare System) dapat dibaca melalui handbook berikut (2010).
The Linkage of Industrial Engineering Disciplinary Studies with Other Disciplinary Studies
The attached information above is for high school graduates who want to continue their Engineering study to pick the right study according to their interests and abilities. The linkage of several engineering studies since their initial development, started from Military Engineering until the latest Industrial and Systems Engineering today.
The possibility of having the field of study of Industrial and Systems Engineering as a special Major has not existed yet in Indonesia knowing the Ministry of Higher Education’s slow response towards the developments in the field of Engineering disciplines. If so, there are alternatives with the existing field of study in Indonesia such as: Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, and Industrial Statistics that could be used as the entry point. Thus, someone who has graduated with Bachelor’s in Industrial Engineering/Computer Science/Industrial Statistics can continue his/her graduate/postgraduate study in Industrial and Systems Engineering. This study field of Industrial and Systems Engineering had also just developed in USA around 1980s.
Basically Industrial and Systems Engineering is a system-oriented study discipline that is related to design, installation, management, operational, and improvement of industrial systems. By looking at the arrow structure of the input for Industrial and Systems Engineering, then it appears that the largest proportion comes from Industrial Engineering, then followed with Operations Research, Industrial Statistics, Computer Science, and Social Sciences).
Engineers in Industrial and Systems Engineering always focus on productivity and quality improvements of industrial system. They see “the big picture” of what makes industrial society do the best practices in industrial sustainability, through using the right combination of human resources, natural resources, capital resources, as well as the available structures and equipments. Professionals in this field bridge the discrepancy between management and operational fields, and motivate people in working, including determine the qualifications of materials and equipments, computer hardware, etc., that must be used to increase productivity and quality.
Singapore, that is always QUICK to follow science and technology development, has opened Industrial and Systems Engineering department from undergraduate to postgraduate studies. Indonesian high school students who are strong in Math and Statistics are recommended to pursue undergraduate study in Industrial Engineering and/or Industrial Statistics in Indonesia first and then continue for their Industrial and Systems Engineering graduate/postgraduate study abroad; or, alternatively, they can also directly pursue Industrial and Systems Engineering undergraduate study abroad.
One of the world’s best universities that organizes undergraduate to postgraduate programs in Industrial and Systems Engineering is the National University of Singapore (NUS).
More information about Industrial and Systems Engineering can be seen here.
For those who are curious and interested to deeply understand Industrial and Systems Engineering, can download this latest book(2014) in the following link:
Professional in Industrial and Systems Engineering is like a Joker card in a card game that can be placed anywhere to build quality and productive SYSTEM. An example of application of Industrial and Systems Engineering in building Healthcare System can be read through the following handbook (2010).
Best Regards for SUCCESS.