Bahasa Indonesia
Ringkasan Buku: God is My Coach (Tuhan Adalah Mentor Saya), Larry Julian, 2009.
Ringkasan dan jika ingin membeli buku God Is My Coach dapat dilihat di sini:
Bukunya sangat bagus dan memberikan banyak motivasi serta inspirasi. Telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Coba pesan di sini.
Happy Sunday.
Salam SUCCESS. GBU and fam.
Sunday Reflection: Learning to Improve Spiritual Intelligence for Professional Business People!!
Book Summary: God is My Coach, Larry Julian, 2009.
The summary dan if you’d like to buy the book God Is My Coach, it can be seen here:
The book is very good and gives a lot of motivation and inspiration. It has also been translated to Indonesian.
You can order from this link:
Happy Sunday.
Best Regards for SUCCESS. GBU and family.