Bahasa Indonesia
Tidak peduli berapapun usia kita, apakah 20 tahun atau 80 tahun, jika kita masih memiliki hasrat untuk belajar berarti kita masih muda. Sedangkan apabila kita TIDAK lagi memiliki hasrat untuk belajar, maka berarti kita telah tua!
Strategi VG Menggunakan PDCA Approach:
Plan (P):
- Memahami Body of Knowledge (BoK) dari ASQ CQIA
- Menyiapkan 6 buku teks:
- CQIA Primer (Quality Council of Indiana): +/- 490 hlm
- The ASQ CQIA Handbook: +/- 300 hlm
- The ASQ Quality Improvement Pocket Guide: +/-161 hlm
- Process Improvement Simplified: +/- 189 hlm
- The Leader’s Handbook: +/- 433 hlm
- The ASQ Quality Glossary: +/- 370 hlm
Do (D):
- Belajar selama 10 minggu @8 jam per minggu (Total 80 jam)
Check (C) :
- Berlatih ujian simulasi sebanyak 1.300 soal berbeda selama 23 jam ujian, sampai distribusi nilai per topik (ASQ CQIA BoK) mendekati 90%
Act (A):
- Mengikuti ujian real ASQ CQIA selama 198 menit (110 soal) pada 5 Desember 2016 (Jam 09:00 – 12:30) menggunakan CBT dan LULUS sebagai ASQ CQIA
Bagi saya pribadi, ASQ CQIA adalah Gelar Professional ke-5 yang diperoleh dari ASQ (the American Society for Quality). Ke-4 lainnya yang diperoleh adalah: CMQ/OE (Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence), CSSBB (Certified Six Sigma Black Belt), CQA (Certified Quality Auditor), dan CQE (Certified Quality Engineer).
Semua ujian kompetensi profesional baik dari ASQ (www.asq.org) atau APICS (www.apics.org), yang saya peroleh adalah menggunakan PDCA Approach dan terbukti SUCCESS!!
Khusus untuk ASQ CQIA silakan lihat website berikut:
PDCA Application in Learning in Order to Pass International ASQ CQIA Competency Exam
No matter what is our age, whether 20 years old or 80 years old, if we still have the desire to learn, that means we are still young. Whereas if we NO longer have the desire to learn, then it means that we have grown old!
VG’s Strategy of Using PDCA Approach:
Plan (P):
- Understand Body of Knowledge (BoK) from ASQ CQIA
- Prepare 6 text books:
- CQIA Primer (Quality Council of Indiana): +/- 490 pages
- The ASQ CQIA Handbook: +/- 300 pages
- The ASQ Quality Improvement Pocket Guide: +/-161 pages
- Process Improvement Simplified: +/- 189 pages
- The Leader’s Handbook: +/- 433 pages
- The ASQ Quality Glossary: +/- 370 pages
Do (D):
- Study for 10 weeks @8 hours per week (Total 80 hours)
Check (C) :
- Practice simulated exams as many as 1,300 different exam questions for 23 hours, until the distribution grade per topic (ASQ BoK CQIA) approaching 90%
Act (A):
- Take the real ASQ CQIA exam for 198 minutes (110 questions) on 5 Desember, 2016, (09:00 – 12:30) using CBT dan PASS as a ASQ CQIA
For me personally, ASQ CQIA is my 5th Professional Title from ASQ (the American Society for Quality). The rest are: CMQ/OE (Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence), CSSBB (Certified Six Sigma Black Belt), CQA (Certified Quality Auditor), and CQE (Certified Quality Engineer).
All professional competency exams, whether from ASQ (www.asq.org) or APICS (www.apics.org), that I took using PDCA Approach are proven to be SUCCESSFUL!!
Specifically for ASQ CQIA, please see the following website:
Best regards for SUCCESS