Bahasa Indonesia
Buku Bagus bagi Mahasiswa Pertanian/Peternakan untuk Memahami Management & System
Saya TIDAK TAHU apakah lulusan S1 maupun S2 dalam bidang Peternakan atau Pertanian di Indonesia TELAH SIAP bekerja sebagai seorang PROFESSIONAL dalam bidang Farm Management System? Jika TIDAK SIAP, maka kemungkinan besar karena buku-buku teks yang dipelajari TERLALU TEORITIS dan lebih berorientasi pada Operational Thinking jangka pendek seperti: Aplikasi Peralatan (Tools): Linear Programming, Analisis-analisis Keputusan, Analisis Ekonomi Benefit/Cost, dll.
Padahal seyogianya seorang Lulusan S1 atau S2 HARUS memulai terlebih dahulu berorientasi pada Strategic Thinking Jangka Panjang (Strategic Goals: 3, 5, 10 tahun yang akan datang), kemudian menerjemahkan ke dalam Tactical Thinking Jangka Menengah (Tactical Goals: 1 tahun), kemudian melakukan Operational Activities (Operational Goals: harian/mingguan/bulanan).
Buku Peter L. Nuthall berjudul: Farm Business Management: The Human Factor dan Farm Business Management: The Core Skills ini akan meningkatkan kemampuan manajerial dan pemahaman sistem (Management & System Ability) yang HARUS menjadi landasan utama kerangka kerja (framework) untuk belajar tentang: Farm Business Management: Analysis of Farming System. Akan lebih lengkap lagi apabila lulusan S1 dan S2 bidang pertanian/peternakan memahami buku PRAKTEK dari John Moran berjudul: Business Management for Tropical Dairy Farmers yang mengambil kasus-kasus real peternakan sapi perah berskala kecil TETAPI dikelola secara PROFESSIONAL sebagai bisnis peternakan usaha kecil di Asia (termasuk Indonesia). Strategi belajar yang TEPAT dari sumber-sumber yang terpercaya dan bereputasi internasional akan meningkatkan daya saing di pasar tenaga kerja nasional maupun internasional.
John Moran dan Peter Nuthall adalah: Dosen, Praktisi, Periset, dan Konsultan dalam bidang Bisnis di bidang pertanian/peternakan.
Tks. Salam SUCCESS.
Good Books for Agriculture/Livestock Science Students to Understand Management & System
I DO NOT KNOW whether a Bachelor’s or Master’s graduate in the field Livestock Science or Agriculture in Indonesia HAVE BEEN READY to work as a PROFESSIONAL in the field of Farm Management System? If he/she has NOT been READY, it is most likely because the textbooks studied are TOO THEORETICAL and oriented more towards short-term Operational Thinking such as: Applications Tools (Tools): Linear Programming, Decision Analyses, Economic Benefit/Cost Analysis, etc.
Yet a Bachelor’s or Master’s graduate should first HAVE to be oriented towards Long-Term Strategic Thinking (Strategic Goals: 3, 5, 10 years to come), which then to be translated into Medium-Term Tactical Thinking (Tactical Goals: 1 year), then do Operational Activities (Operational Goals: daily/weekly/monthly).
Peter L. Nuthall’s book titled: Farm Business Management: The Human Factor and Farm Business Management: The Core Skills will improve the managerial capacity and system understanding (Management & System Ability) which MUST be the main framework foundation to learn about: Farm Business Management: Analysis of Farming System. It will even be more complete if Bachelor and Master’s graduates of Agriculture/Livestock Science understand the PRACTICAL book of John Moran titled: Business Management for Tropical Dairy Farmers, which takes real cases of small scale dairy farms BUT are managed PROFESSIONALLY as small business farming in Asia ( including Indonesia). The APPROPRIATE learning strategy from reliable sources with international reputation will improve competitiveness in the labor market nationally and internationally.
John Moran and Peter Nuthall are: Lecturers, Practitioners, Researchers, and Consultants in the field of Agriculture/Livestock business.
Thank you. Best regards to SUCCESS.