Bahasa Indonesia
Pada Maret 1987 saya mengajukan lamaran untuk mengikuti program S3 (Doktor) di IPB, Unpad, dan ITB. IPB dan Unpad segera merespons dan menerima saya sebagai calon peserta program S3 Bidang Ilmu Perencanaan Wilayah dan Pengembangan Pedesaan (IPB) dan Ekonomi Pertanian (Unpad). ITB TIDAK Merespons karena dianggap salah alamat, bagaimana mungkin seorang sarjana peternakan yang tidak berlatar belakang pendidikan engineering melamar mengikuti program S3 bidang ilmu Teknik Sistem dan Manajemen Industri.
Saya nekat menghadap langsung Wakil Rektor ITB Bidang Aakademik ketika itu, seorang profesor wanita yang sangat baik dan bijaksana. Beliau menanyakan seluk beluk latar belakang saya dan mengapa melamar ke ITB. Saya menceriterakan tentang cita-cita masuk ITB sejak S1 TETAPI tidak kesampaian karena berbagai alasan keuangan, lulusan SMA Sinar Pancasila Kupang – NTT yang dianggap paling tidak berkualitas di Kupang sebagai konsekuensi dua kali tidak naik kelas di SMA top di kota Kupang. Saya menangkap kesan seorang ibu yang tertarik dan simpatik akan keuletan mau menggapai cita-cita yang tidak kesampaian dari seseorang yang bukan siapa-siapa dan tidak memiliki apa-apa. Beliau menanyakan tentang biaya program doktor yang mahal ketika itu, dan saya mengungkapkan bahwa biaya studi akan ditanggung sendiri karena saya tidak memiliki akses beasiswa serta telah bekerja mengumpulkan dana untuk biaya studi sejak lulus S2 Statistika Terapan IPB tahun 1985. Juga isteri saya seorang dokter muda yang baru lulus bersedia ditempatkan di puskesmas tanpa gaji sebagai dokter sukarela untuk mendukung biaya studi S3. Respons POSITIF dari Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik ITB adalah akan dirapatkan dalam Dewan Guru Besar dan akan dikonsultasikan dengan profesor di bidang ilmu teknik sistem dan manajemen industri ITB, apabila respons positif maka saudara akan dipanggil untuk wawancara. Saya melihat secercah harapan dan kesempatan (opportunity) yang diberikan oleh ITB meskipun pasti membutuhkan waktu lama.
Keputusan saya ambil yaitu mengikuti pendidikan doktor (S3) bidang ilmu Ekonomi Pertanian di Unpad Bandung dengan harapan mendekatkan diri ke ITB agar sewaktu-waktu apabila dipanggil oleh ITB saya bisa segera ke ITB. Kuliah di S3 Unpad telah dijalani selama 2 semester dengan IP = 4,0 baru dipanggil oleh ITB yaitu untuk diwawancarai pada Juni 1988.
Ketika diwawancarai oleh Prof. Matthias Aroef (Founding Father Teknik Industri ITB) beliau menyatakan bahwa jika Anda hanya berlatar belakang murni sarjana peternakan maka akan langsung ditolak karena berarti anda salah alamat melamar ke ITB. TETAPI mengingat anda juga memiliki pendidikan S2 Statistika Terapan IPB dan pihak ITB telah menghubungi rektor IPB ketika itu Prof. Andi Hakim Nasoetion dan pihak Rektor IPB menyarankan untuk ditest saja yang bersangkutan mengikuti kurikulum dan standar ITB, maka berikut ini persyaratan bagi anda jika ingin mengikuti pendidikan S3 di ITB.
Persyaratan pertama, Anda harus mengikuti kuliah secara intensif dan nilai minimum selama 2 semester adalah 3,50. Jika tidak mampu mencapai nilai minimum IP = 3,50, maka langsung dikeluarkan (Drop Out).
Persyaratan kedua, Anda harus menulis disertasi doktor sejak semester 1, September 1988, dan apabila dalam dua semester tidak ada kemajuan yang berarti maka langsung dikeluarkan (Drop Out).
Persyaratan ketiga, jumlah pembimbing adalah 6 orang profesor yang berasal dari: ITB (3 orang), UI (1 orang), UGM (1 orang), dan IPB (1 orang).
Kesempatan (opportunity) sekaligus tantangan (threat) bagi saya karena ijin cuti dari Unpad tidak diberikan sedangkan kesempatan dari ITB bersifat tidak pasti. Saya belum mengenal Tuhan (Ateis) jadi mengandalkan diri sendiri saja. Saya berunding dengan isteri saya tentang berbagai kemungkinan terburuk (gagal studi doktor) dan kemungkinan terbaik (doktor dalam bidang ilmu langka dan impian tercapai). Keputusan diambil secara mantap yaitu mengundurkan diri dari program S3 Ekonomi Pertanian Unpad dan mengikuti kuliah program S3 Teknik Sistem dan Manajemen Industri di ITB. Sebelum masuk ITB kami dikaruniai putera pertama pada Juli 1988 yang langsung kami beri nama Albert Ganesha!
Kuliah di ITB dengan semangat berapi-api sekaligus menyusun disertasi dengan menyatukan pendapat dari 6 orang profesor membutuhkan trik tersendiri. Hal ini termasuk bepergian dari Bandung ke Yogyakarta menggunakan kereta api ekonomi (berdiri dari Bandung sampai Yogyakarta) dijalani dengan antusias dan semangat tinggi. Jika kuliah membutuhkan waktu 3 hari dalam seminggu dari jam 8:00 – 15:00 (kadang-kadang sampai malam hari), maka waktu tersisa 4 hari dalam seminggu digunakan untuk melakukan penelitian dan menyusun disertasi.
Puji terhadap diri sendiri (bukan Puji Tuhan, karena masih Ateis) dalam waktu dua semester memperoleh IP = 4,0 dan Disertasi Doktor telah rampung 60%. Hal itu berarti LOLOS dari status percobaan dan menjadi mahasiswa reguler program S3 di ITB.
Lagi-lagi Puji terhadap diri sendiri (karena saya baru mengenal secara akrab dengan Tuhan pada 7 September 2003 melalui kejadian luar biasa) setelah 4 semester: lulus semua mata kuliah dengan IP = 4,0 dan distertasi S3 rampung 100%, siap ujian tertutup dan promosi (ujian terbuka).
Persoalan muncul ketika promotor mengajukan disertasi dan permohonan untuk ujian doktor ke Dewan Guru Besar ITB. Bagaimana mungkin orang ini yang diragukan ketika rapat Dewan Guru Besar 2 tahun yang lalu, kok tiba-tiba telah diajukan untuk menjadi doktor dari ITB?
Promotor meyakinkan tentang jaminan kualifikasi dan bobot disertasi, tetapi ujian doktor harus ditunda selama 1 tahun dengan maksud sangat baik, yaitu: melatih yang bersangkutan untuk mengenal lebih jauh tentang ITB dan pada saat yang sama dibimbing untuk lebih mantap. Saya menerima dengan senang hati penundaan selama 2 semester untuk memperoleh gelar doktor dari ITB impian masa kecil sekaligus impian isteri saya.
Pembimbingan yang diberikan kepada saya selama 2 semester adalah:
- Bersama promotor Prof. Matthias Aroef membantu menyusun dan mendesain kurikulum untuk pembukaan program studi baru S2 di ITB yang dikenal sebagai: MBA-Teknologi (cikal bakal pendidikan manajemen bisnis dan teknologi di ITB).
- Menulis buku yang dibimbing langsung oleh Prof. Matthias Aroef (Promotor/Ketua Tim Pembimbing) dan beliau bersedia memberikan kata pengantar untuk buku-buku yang ditulis.
Setelah “penundaan” selama 2 semester, maka pada September 1991 saya mengikuti ujian promosi doktor teknik sistem dan manajemen industri di ITB. Dalam ujian promosi itu riwayat saya melamar ke ITB diceriterakan kembali, dan cukup “menghebohkan” ITB karena ada sarjana peternakan yang berhasil memperoleh doktor teknik (Dr. Eng) di ITB dengan IP sempurna 4,0 dalam waktu singkat.
Tulisan di atas untuk memotivasi mereka yang sedang menempuh pendidikan formal S1, S2 dan S3 bahwa tekad dan kemauan yang gigih dan ulet merupakan motivasi menuju SUCCESS. Tidak ada hal yang mustahil di dunia ini.
Inilah profil promotor (Ketua Tim Pembimbing) saya ketika mengambil Doktor Teknik Sistem dan Manajemen Industri di ITB. Sampai saat ini saya HANYA mengagumi dua orang profesor di Indonesia, yaitu: (1) Prof. Andi Hakim Nasoetion yang mau menerima saya belajar S2 Statistika Terapan di IPB (padahal di kampung halaman daerah paling tertinggal di Indonesia dianggap bodoh pengantar statistika sehingga harus tertinggal kelas satu tahun dan mengulang semua mata kuliah pada tingkat II meskipun telah lulus: contoh sistem pendidikan NGAWUR), dan (2) Prof. Matthias Aroef yang lagi-lagi mau menerima seorang sarjana peternakan dan terlanjur memperoleh label BODOH karena tertinggal kelas dua kali di SMA dan satu kali di S1 untuk menjadi Doktor (Eng) dari ITB.
Bagaimana menaklukan hati pembimbing yang profesor? Lakukan riset yang mendalam, kemudian buat tulisan bersama pembimbing untuk dipublikasikan dalam media agar memperoleh tanggapan publik. Inisiatif seorang mahasiswa S3 program Doktor Teknik Sistem dan Manajemen Industri yang meskipun baru 1 tahun di ITB MAMPU melakukan riset industri di seluruh Indonesia, kemudian membuat tulisan bersama promotor untuk dikirim ke Kompas dan dipublikasikan pada 5 Oktober 1989. Itu trick memperoleh nilai A dan lulus S3 CEPAT, yaitu: UANG (Usaha Agar Nama pembimbing Gemilang). Apabila nama pembimbing GEMILANG, maka secara otomatis kita akan SUCCESS karena pembimbing PASTI mendukung kita 100%.
Agar diketahui ketika lulus S3 ITB saya ditawarkan menjadi dosen ITB TETAPI saya mengatakan bahwa ilmu TANPA aplikasi di dunia nyata percuma, sehingga saya bekerja di dunia industri. Silakan baca artikel saya tentang aplikasi Link and Match (teori dan praktek) yang diperoleh dari pengalaman praktek tidak sulit (PRAKTIS) bukan hanya teori apa-apa sukar (PAKAR) berikut.
Kita hidup HARUS REALISTIK bukan sekedar IDEALIS. Yang PASTI dunia perguruan tinggi di Indonesia TIDAK AKAN MAMPU membayar gaji saya yang puluhan kali lipat itu. Karena Universitas Trisakti TIDAK MAMPU bayar saya, maka ketika itu 2001 Prof. Thoby Mutis (Rektor Univ Trisakti) menawarkan cara begini: bagaimana kalau nama Anda dipakai sebagai ketua program manajemen produksi di program MM Usakti dengan tugas membimbing kandidat doktor menjadi doktor dan Universitas Trisakti mengangkat VG sebagai profesor? Setuju TETAPI dengan syarat karier saya di dunia industri tidak terhambat! Tugas saya menjadikan mahasiswa saya menjadi doktor-doktor telah selesai. Tanya saja ke program MM Universitas Trisakti, sekitar 10 orang doktor di sana adalah mantan mahasiswa saya. Sekarangpun nama saya dipergunakan oleh program MM Universitas Widya Mandira Kupang – NTT sebagai profesor (guru besar tetap) mereka, juga dengan syarat jangan mengatur karier saya di dunia industri.
Coba tunjukkan bagaimana HANYA bekerja sebagai dosen murni akan mampu menyekolahkan 2 orang putera ke jenjang S2/S3 di luar negeri (milyaran rupiah) tanpa mengharapkan beasiswa? Hidup ini realistik. Isteri saya juga ingin naik mobil BMW, Toyota Fortuner 4×4 (bisa off road), tinggal di rumah mewah, memiliki pendapatan pasif dari investasi, dll! Masa hidup harus “prihatin/cukup saja” terus, jika kesempatan “bebas finansial” TANPA korupsi ada?
Yang penting apa itu kontribusi nyata bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia, bukan bekerja secara fisik di tempat mana dengan profesi apa. Saya telah bersedia menerima tawaran dari Dankodiklat TNI AD untuk membantu sebagai nara sumber peningkatan cara berpikir sistem, itu kontribusi nyata!
Story of a Bachelor of Livestock Science Achieving Doctorate in Systems Engineering and Industrial Management from ITB
In March 1987, I submitted applications to attend Doctorate program in IPB, Unpad, and ITB. IPB and Unpad immediately responded and accepted me as a candidate for Doctorate program in Regional Planning and Rural Development Science (IPB) and in Agricultural Economics (Unpad) respectively. ITB DID NOT respond because my application was considered mistakenly sent; how would a bachelor of livestock science who had no engineering education background apply to attend Doctorate program in Systems Engineering and Industrial Management Science?
I was desperate and directly went to the ITB’s Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs at that time, a very kind and wise female professor. She asked the ins and outs of my background and why I applied to ITB. I told her about my goal to study at ITB since Bachelor degree; BUT was not accomplished due to various financial reasons; a graduate from Sinar Pancasila High School in Kupang – NTT, who was considered the least qualified in Kupang due to stay behind twice in a top High School in Kupang. I got the impression that she was interested and sympathetic to the fortitude of wanting to achieve unaccomplished goal from someone who was nobody and had nothing. She asked about the high costs of doctorate program at that time, and I revealed that the study costs would be borne alone because I did not have access to scholarships and I had been working to raise funds for study costs since I had graduated from the Master’s of Applied Statistics from IPB in 1985. Moreover, my wife, a young medical doctor, who had just graduated was willing to be placed in a health center without pay as a volunteer doctor to support my Doctorate study costs. POSITIVE respond of the ITB’s Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs was that the decision would be discussed in the Board of Professors and would be consulted with the ITB professor in systems engineering and industrial management; if the respond was positive, then I would be called for interviews. I saw a glimmer of hope and opportunity that was given by ITB even though it would surely take a long time.
I took the decision to attend Doctorate education in Agricultural Economics in Unpad, Bandung, with the hope of to be closer to ITB so that whenever if I was called by ITB, I could immediately go to ITB. After the Doctorate program in Unpad had been done for two semesters with GPA = 4.0, then I was called by ITB to be interviewed in June 1988.
When I was interviewed by Prof. Matthias Aroef (Founding Father of ITB’s Industrial Engineering), he stated that if I was only and purely a bachelor of livestock science graduate, then I would be immediately rejected because that meant I had mistakenly applied to ITB. BUT, thinking that I also had a Master’s degree in Applied Statistics from IPB and ITB’s side had contacted IPB’s Rector at the time (Prof. Andi Hakim Nasoetion) and IPB’s Rector suggested that I should just got tested following ITB curriculum and standards, then these would be the requirements for me if I wanted to attend the Doctorate education in ITB.
First requirement, I ought to attend intensive courses and the minimum GPA for 2 semesters would be 3.50. If I was unable to achieve the minimum GPA = 3.50, then I would be immediately Dropped Out.
Second requirement, I ought to write doctorate dissertation since the first semester, September 1988, and if within two semesters, there was no significant progress, then I would be immediately Dropped Out.
Third requirement, the number of advisers would be 6 professors from: (3 persons), UI (1 person), UGM (1 person), and IPB (1 person).
Those were opportunities as well as threats for me because I did not get the permission on leave from Unpad while the opportunity from ITB was also uncertain. I had not known God (an atheist) at that time; thus, I just relied on myself. I consulted with my wife about various worse possible outcomes (failed in doctoral study) and the best possible outcome (became a doctorate in a rare field and achieved my dream). The decision was taken steadfastly, which was to resign from the Doctorate program in Agriculture Economics at Unpad and attended the Doctorate program study in Systems Engineering and Industrial Management at ITB. Before attending ITB, we were blessed with our first son in July, 1988, whom we immediately named Albert Ganesha!
Studying at ITB with fiery passion as well as composing dissertation by combining opinions from 6 professors needed its own trick. This included commuting from Bandung to Yogyakarta by economy-class train (standing from Bandung to Yogyakarta) that was lived with enthusiasm and high spirits. If the study needed 3 days in one week from 8am – 3pm (sometimes until night time), then the 4 days leftover in one week were being used to do research and to compile dissertation.
Praise be to myself (not praise be to God because I was still an atheist), in 2 semesters, I got GPA = 4.0 and Doctorate Dissertation that had been finished 60%. That meant I PASSED the probation status and became the regular student of Doctorate program at ITB.
Again, praise to be myself (since I just knew God closely on September 7, 2003 through an extraordinary event), after 4 semesters: I finished all courses with GPA = 4.0 and the Doctorate dissertation had been completed 100% and I was ready for closed examination and promotion (open examination).
Problem arose when my thesis promoter submitted dissertation and request for my doctorate exam to ITB Board of Professors. How came this person who was doubted in the Board of Professors meeting 2 years ago, could be suddenly proposed to be a Doctor of ITB?
My promoter reassured me about the qualification guarantee and the dissertation weight; however, the doctorate examination had to delayed for 1 year with very good intentions, which were: to train me to know more about ITB as well as to lead me to be better. I accepted gratefully the postponement for 2 semesters in order to obtain the doctorate degree from ITB, my childhood dream as well as my wife’s dream.
The mentoring given to me for 2 semesters was:
- Together with promoter Prof. Matthias Aroef, helped to arrange and design curriculum for the opening of new Master’s study program at ITB, which was known as: Technology-MBA (the forerunner of business management and technology education at ITB).
- To write a book guided directly by Prof. Matthias Aroef (Promoter/Supervising Team Leader) and he was willing to give foreword for my future books written.
After “postponement” for 2 semesters, then in September 1991, I took doctorate promotion exam in systems engineering and industrial management at ITB. In that promotion exam, my history of applying to ITB was retold, and it created quite “ado” at ITB because there had been a bachelor of livestock science who achieved Doctor of Engineering at ITB with perfect GPA 4.0 in a short time.
The writing above is meant to motivate them who are taking formal Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate education that willpower and persistent desire would be motivation towards SUCCESS. Nothing is impossible in this world.
This is the profile of my promoter (Supervising Team Leader) when I took Doctorate in Systems Engineering and Industrial Management at ITB. Until now, I ONLY admire two professors in Indonesia, who are: (1) Prof. Andi Hakim Nasoetion who wanted to accept me to study Master’s of Applied Statistics at IPB (although in my hometown, the most underdeveloped area in Indonesia, I was considered dumb in introduction to statistics so that I had to stay one year behind and to retake all level 2 courses despite having been graduated: an example of INCONSEQUENTIAL educational system), and (2) Prof. Matthias Aroef who again wanted to accept a bachelor of livestock science and had already been labelled DUMB because I stayed behind twice in high school and once in undergraduate (Bachelor’s) year to be a Doctor of Engineering from ITB.
How do you conquer the heart of your supervising professor? Do exhaustive research, then create article together with the supervising professor to be published in the media in order to get public response. In my case, it was the initiative of a Doctorate student in Systems Engineering and Industrial Management, who despite had only been 1 year at ITB was able to do industrial research across Indonesia, then made artice with the promoter to be sent to Kompas newspaper and was published on October 5, 1989. That trick to get A grade and graduated Doctorate program QUICKLY, is: UANG (Usaha Agar Nama pembimbing Gemilang) // Money (Effort to Make the supervising professor’s Name be Brilliant). If the name of supervising professor would be BRILLIANT, then automatically we would be SUCCESSFUL because he/she would DEFINITELY support us 100%.
Just so you know, when I graduated the ITB Doctorate program, I was offered to be an ITB lecturer; BUT I told them that knowledge WITHOUT application in the real life would be useless; thus, I worked in the industry. Please read my article below about application of Link and Match (theory and practice) obtained from Praktek Tidak Sulit (PRAKTIS) // not difficult, practical experience, not only Apa-apa Sukar (PAKAR) // anything’s difficult theories as follows.
We MUST live REALISTICALLY not only IDEALISTICALLY. SURELY, the higher education world in Indonesia WILL NOT BE ABLE to pay my tenfolds salary. Because Trisakti University WAS NOT ABLE to pay me, then at the time in 2001, Prof. Thoby Mutis (Rector of Trisakti University) offered this way: what if my name would be used as the chairman of Management Production Program in Trisakti University’s Master’s of Management program with the task of guiding doctorate candidates to be Doctors and Trisakti University would promote me as Professor Doctor? I agreed; BUT with the provision that my career in the industry would not be obstructed! My task to make my students to be Doctors have finished. Just ask Trisakti University’s Master’s of Management program; about 10 Doctors there are my former students. Even now my name is used by Widya Mandira University’s Master’s of Management program in Kupang, NTT, as their (full-time) Professor Doctor, also with the provision of not controlling my career in the industry.
Try to show how by JUST working as a pure lecturer would be able to send 2 sons to Master’s/Doctorate education overseas (billions of rupiahs) without expecting scholarships? This life is realistic. My wife also wants to drive BMW, Toyota Fortuner 4×4 (off-road able), lives in a luxury home, has passive income from investments, etc.! Why must we just continuously live “apprehensively/adequately”, if the opportunity for “financial freedom” WIHOUT corruption is available?
The most important thing is what real contributions for nation and country of Indonesia, not work physically somewhere as whatever profession. I have agreed to accept offer from Dankodiklat TNI AD // Commander of Doctrine Development Command, Education and Training of Indonesian Army to help as an interviewee of systems thinking improvement; that is a real contribution!
Best Regards for SUCCESS.