Bahasa Indonesia
Oleh: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
American Society for Quality (www.asq.org) CMQ/OE, CQA, CSSBB, CQE, CQIA
American Production and Inventory Control Society (www.apics.org) CFPIM, CSCP
International Quality Federation (www.iqf.org) Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Registration Accreditation Board (www.exemplarglobal.org) Quality Management System Practitioner
Pertanyaan di atas diajukan KARENA di Indonesia saat ini TELAH banyak ahli Manajemen TETAPI mengapa dalam PRAKTEK NYATA terutama dalam dunia bisnis dan industri MASIH terdapat banyak kegagalan? Banyak orang menertawakan ketika saya menyatakan bahwa KUNCI SUCCESS adalah memahami dan menerapkan PDCA Management Framework secara benar dan konsisten!
Apakah BENAR kita TELAH PAHAM mekanisme bekerja dari PDCA Management Framework yang sederhana seperti dalam Bagan 1 itu?
Jika benar kita TELAH PAHAM, pertanyaan berikut adalah Apakah Nilai EC (Effectiveness of Competence) dari kita yang merupakan perkalian (intersection) dari ATTITUDE (A) x KNOWLEDGE (K) x SKILLS (S) TELAH MENCAPAI di atas 100%? Sehingga menunjukkan bahwa ATTITUDE (A) kita TELAH TERINTEGRASI dengan KNOWLEDGE (K) dan SKILLS (S)? (Lihat Bagan 2 dan 3).
Orang-Orang SUCCESS yang TELAH PAHAM mekanisme bekerja dan menerapkan PDCA Management Framework itu hampir PASTI (99,9%) TELAH MAMPU mengubah ATTITUDE (A) mereka, Meningkatkan KNOWLEDGE (K) dan SKILLS (S) yang TERINTEGRASI agar memiliki Nilai Efektivitas KOMPETENSI (EC = Effectiveness of COMPETENCE) di atas 100% (lihat Bagan 3) dan mereka SELALU bekerja atau membuat keputusan dalam Kuadran II dari Stephen Covey (1989) yaitu: Mengerjakan AKTIVITAS PENTING YANG TIDAK MENDESAK!
Jika kita masih berada pada Kuadran I (Mengerjakan AKTIVITAS PENTING TETAPI SELALU MENDESAK), maka SEGERA PERBAIKI Manajemen Waktu kita!
Sedangkan bagi mereka yang MASIH TERPERANGKAP dalam Kuadran III dan IV agar BELAJAR lebih banyak lagi untuk memahami dan membedakan AKTIVITAS TIDAK PENTING dan ABAIKAN AKTIVITAS itu!
Berapa Nilai EC dari LULUSAN Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia? TAMPAK bahwa memiliki IP (Indeks Prestasi) Akademik = 4,0 BUKAN JAMINAN untuk SUCCESS dalam dunia nyata, karena di dalam dunia nyata terutama bisnis dan industri HANYA membutuhkan nilai EC (Effectiveness of COMPETENCE).
Tks. Salam SUCCESS.
Have We Correctly and CONSISTENTLY Understood Working Mechanism and Implemented PDCA Management Framework?
By: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
American Society for Quality (www.asq.org) CMQ/OE, CQA, CSSBB, CQE, CQIA
American Production and Inventory Control Society (www.apics.org) CFPIM, CSCP
International Quality Federation (www.iqf.org) Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Registration Accreditation Board (www.exemplarglobal.org) Quality Management System Practitioner
The above question is posed because in Indonesia today, there HAVE been many Management experts, BUT why, in REAL PRACTICE, especially in the world of business and industry, are there STILL many failures? Many people laughed when I stated that the KEY to SUCCESS is to understand and implement PDCA Management Framework correctly and consistently!
HAVE we REALLY UNDERSTOOD the working mechanism of simple PDCA Management Framework as in Chart 1 above?
If it is true that we HAVE ALREADY UNDERSTOOD, the following question is HAVE our EC Values (Effectiveness of Competence), which is the product (intersection) of ATTITUDE (A) x KNOWLEDGE (K) x SKILLS (S), REACHED over 100%? Thus indicating that our ATTITUDE (A) HAVE BEEN INTEGRATED with KNOWLEDGE (K) and SKILLS (S)? (See Chart 2 and 3 below).
Those SUCCESSFUL people who HAVE ALREADY UNDERSTOOD the working mechanism and implemented PDCA Management Framework HAVE almost SURELY (99.9%) BEEN ABLE to change their ATTITUDE (A), to increase KNOWLEDGE (K) and SKILLS (S) which are INTEGRATED in order to have Effectiveness of COMPETENCE Value ( EC = Effectiveness of COMPETENCE) above 100% (see Chart 3 below) and they ALWAYS work or make decisions in Quadrant II of Stephen Covey (1989), namely: working on IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES THAT ARE NOT URGENT!
If we still are in Quadrant I (Working on IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES, BUT ALWAYS URGENTLY), then IMMEDIATELY FIX our Time Management!
As for those who are STILL TRAPPED in Quadrants III and IV, LEARN more to understand and distinguish UNIMPORTANT ACTIVITIES and IGNORE them!
What is the EC value of the University GRADUATES in Indonesia? It LOOKS like that having Academic GPA = 4.0 is NOT GUARANTEED for SUCCESS in the real world, because in the real world, especially business and industry, they ONLY need EC value (Effectiveness of COMPETENCE).
Thank you. Best Regards for SUCCESS.