Bahasa Indonesia
Oleh: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Certified Management System Lead Specialist and Auditor
- American Production and Inventory Control Society (www.apics.org) Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM), Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management (CFPIM) and Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP);
- American Society for Quality (www.asq.org) Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE), Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), Certified Quality Auditor (CQA), Certified Quality Improvement Associate (CQIA), and Certified Six Sigma Black Belt;
- International Quality Federation (www.iqf.org) Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt (CSSMBB);
- Registration Accreditation Board (www.exemplarglobal.org) Certified Management System Auditor (CMSA), Certified Management System Practitioneer (CMSP), Certified Management System Specialist (CMSS), and Certified Management System Lead Specialist (CMSLS).
Kata MAGIC atau mistik, jampi-jampi, jimat, “leu-leu” (bahasa Kupang) atau kata lainnya telah umum dikenal banyak orang. Bagi mereka yang berpendidikan tinggi atau tidak berpendidikan sekalipun, apabila daya dorong MOTIVASI dalam diri lemah, maka akan terjebak pada penggunaan MAGIC kuno (mistik, jampi-jampi, dll) untuk membantu mereka mencapai SUCCESS dalam bidang apapun.
Ketika saya bertemu dengan banyak orang di berbagai kesempatan, saya selalu menanyakan apakah mereka percaya “MAGIC” atau dalam berbagai istilah lain seperti: jampi-jampi, jimat, “leu-leu”, dll? Banyak orang selalu tersenyum yang mengandung banyak makna. Kemudian saya selalu bertanya mengapa seseorang yang pergi ke dukun atau tempat-tempat yang dianggap “keramat”, ketika kembali dari dukun sakti yang memberikan “akar kayu dibungkus kain putih/hitam” mereka menjadi termotivasi untuk bekerja giat dan SUCCESS?
Sesungguhnya rahasia SUCCESS mereka itu ada di bawah ini, di mana kita bisa mempelajari bagaimana otak mereka yang pergi ke dukun-dukun itu bekerja secara sistematik yang sekaligus secara naluri atau alamiah mereka TELAH menerapkan Systems Thinking. Dengan demikian kita bisa belajar systems thinking melalui kata “MAGIC”. Jika tulisan saya ini dibaca oleh dukun-dukun yang berpendidikan, maka mereka akan bertambah PROFESIONAL karena mereka ikut menyebarluaskan systems thinking kepada pasien-pasien mereka.
Ketika seseorang bermotivasi rendah memutuskan untuk pergi ke dukun sakti, maka PASTI dia memiliki sasaran yang jelas yaitu SUCCESS dalam bidang tertentu, misalnya: SUCCESS dalam bisnis, pendidikan, jabatan, dll. Dalam konteks “MAGIC” modern, maka dikatakan seseorang itu telah memiliki GOAL (Sasaran) yang jelas, yaitu: SUCCESS. TIDAK mungkin seseorang ke dukun dan meminta GAGAL atau menetapkan sasaran agar ia GAGAL.
Sasaran yang SMARTER (Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Actionable, Result-oriented, Time-bound, Empowerment, Reward & recognition) ini secara tidak SADAR telah tertanam dalam alam bawah sadar (otak) yang akan berubah menjadi perilaku (attitude), kebiasaan (habits), dan karakter sehari-hari menuju SUCCESS.
Sang Dukun yang PROFESIONAL akan SELALU menyatakan bahwa apapun GOAL (SUCCESS) itu bisa dipenuhi dengan persyaratan yang SANGAT BERAT, di mana semakin SULIT suatu GOAL dicapai, maka persyaratan akan semakin sulit juga, misalnya: HARUS menyiapkan kerbau “Bule” yang berharga ratusan juta atau milyaran rupiah. KARENA orang yang mencari SUCCESS melalui dukun sakti itu percaya, maka dia akan dengan senang hati memenuhi permintaan sang dukun sakti itu. Melalui negosiasi dan transaksi, maka sang dukun memberikan sebuah benda fisik yang bisa dilihat dan dipegang oleh pencari SUCCESS melalui dukun sakti itu.
Sekembali dari sang dukun, motivasi orang itu menjadi bertambah lagi karena telah ada “benda sakti” yang menambah semangat bekerja (termasuk melakukan ritual yang berat) untuk SUCCESS. Dukun sakti yang PROFESIONAL harus memberikan persyaratan ritual yang BERAT, agar pencari SUCCESS melalui dukun itu semakin percaya. Pada saat seseorang TELAH termotivasi untuk melakukan ritualapapun, meskipun berat, maka pada saat itu GOAL telah mampu mengubah Mindset orang itu untuk melakukan ACTION.
Ketika seseorang TELAH melakukan ACTION, maka PASTI akan memperoleh HASIL (Achievement), terlepas dari apakah hasil pencapaian itu TELAH mencapai GOAL (SUCCESS) atau belum mencapai GOAL (Goal Achievement).
Dalam pandangan manajemen modern, maka sasaran yang jelas itu berupa GOAL telah mampu mengubah MINDSET mereka yang memiliki GOAL itu untuk menuju pencapaian sasaran (Goal Achievement) yang disebut SUCCESS.
Meskipun pencari SUCCESS melalui dukun sakti itu ketika melakukan ritual yang berat BELUM mencapai GOAL (SUCCESS), tetapi karena MINDSET dia telah meyakini bahwa pada satu saat di waktu yang akan datang dia akan SUCCESS, maka pada waktu sedang menunggu ini dia TELAH menciptakan ruang untuk perbaikan (Improvement) terus-menerus dari ACTION dia. Dalam hal ini dia telah menciptakan OFI (Opportunity for Improvement). Pada akhirnya melalui KOMITMEN (Commitment) untuk terus-menerus bekerja, melakukan perbaikan-perbaikan (Improvement), diikuti ritual yang berat sebagai persyaratan dari sang dukun sakti, maka sang pencari SUCCESS melalui dukun sakti mencapai GOAL (SUCCESS). Demikian sekilas mekanisme kerja melalui MAGIC tradisional.
Sekarang kita melihat bagaimana “MAGIC” modern bekerja di negara-negara maju yang mayoritas masyarakat selalu berpikir kritis dan rasional?. Jika seseorang memiliki daya juang (motivasi) yang kuat, apakah berpendidikan tinggi atau tidak berpendidikan formal sekalipun, jika kita memperhatikan perilaku, kebiasaan, dan karakter mereka sehari-hari, maka dalam diri mereka itu disadari atau tidak disadari telah menggunakan “MAGIC” modern dalam pola Systems Thinking, di mana dalam hal ini mereka tidak bergantung lagi pada benda-benda atau jimat-jimat (MAGIC kuno), tetapi mereka telah bergantung pada kekuatan diri sendiri yang memiliki MOTIVASI kuat itu. Motivasi yang kuat itu disebut sebagai “MAGIC” modern, yang bersumber dari dalam diri mereka sendiri yang telah tertanam dalam alam bawah sadar sehingga membentuk MINDSET untuk SUCCESS.
“MAGIC” modern yang dimaksud dalam tulisan ini merupakan satu akronim yang terdiri dari lima elemen utama yang saling terkait satu sama lain yang membentuk perilaku, kebiasaan, dan karakter orang-orang SUCCESS yang secara sadar atau tidak sadar telah menerapkan Systems Thinking dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Lima elemen dari kata “MAGIC” adalah: Mindset, Achievement, Goal, Improvement, Commitment yang ditunjukkan dalam Bagan terlampir. Dalam bagan terlampir kita melihat bahwa yang menjadi titik pusat (central point) untuk mengendalikan segala sesuatu menuju SUCCESS adalah GOAL. Kita bisa memetakan menggunakan systems thinking di mana masing-masing elemen dari kata “MAGIC” itu saling berkaitan dengan arah POSITIF (memberikan energi POSITIF).
SUCCESS dimulai dari GOAL untuk mencapai SUCCESS. Selanjutnya GOAL yang disusun dengan kekuatan SMARTERS (Specific, Measurable, Achievable through action, Result-oriented, Time-bound/Timely, Evaluation/Empowerment, Review/Reward & Recognition, Spirituality) itu akan mempengaruhi atau menciptakan Mindset yang benar. Mindset atau pola pikir bagi orang-orang SUCCESS adalah menciptakan kesempatan (Opportunity), sedangkan Mindset orang-orang GAGAL adalah menunggu atau tidak mempedulikan kesempatan, sehingga sering kali kesempatan yang telah adapun dilewatkan begitu saja dengan berbagai alasan pembenaran yang mencerminkan motivasi diri yang lemah.
Jika orang-orang GAGAL selalu membaca Opportunity is NO WHERE (kesempatan tidak ada di mana-mana), maka orang-orang SUCCESS selalu membaca Opportunity is NOW HERE (kesempatan ada di sini sekarang) dengan hanya mengubah susunan huruf NO WHERE menjadi NOW HERE.
Melalui keterkaitan POSITIF antara elemen GOAL dan Mindset, maka melalui ACTION kita akan mencapai hasil apapun (Goal Achievement through action). Dengan demikian kita menggambarkan menggunakan systems thinking bahwa Elemen GOAL (SUCCESS) berpengaruh POSITIF pada elemen Mindset yang benar, dan selanjutnya elemen Mindset berpengaruh POSITIF pada pencapaian sasaran melalui action (Goal Achievement through Action). Di sini kita dapat memahami secara mudah mengapa orang-orang SUCCESS memiliki kebutuhan berprestasi (Need for Achievement) yang tinggi sedangkan orang-orang GAGAL memiliki kebutuhan berprestasi yang rendah?.
Elemen berikut dari kata MAGIC adalah: Improvement, di mana orang-orang SUCCESS selalu berusaha melakukan perbaikan terus-menerus (Continual Improvement). Meskipun orang-orang SUCCESS telah mencapai Goal (Sasaran), maka target dari sasaran (Goal) itu selalu ditingkatkan terus-menerus agar terjadi “Room for Improvement” sepanjang hidup mereka. Karena orang-orang SUCCESS selalu berfokus pada GOAL (SUCCESS), maka meskipun mereka belum mencapai SUCCESS sekalipun, mereka terus-menerus melakukan perbaikan (Improvement). Dalam konteks manajemen modern dikatakan mereka menciptakan OFI (Opportunity for Improvement) agar selalu mencapai SUCCESS terus-menerus. Secara sadar atau tidak sadar orang-orang SUCCESS telah menjadikan pembelajaran seumur hidup (long life learning) menjadi karakter pribadi mereka. Pembelajaran seumur hidup dapat saja dilakukan melalui GOAL yang tercapai (SUCCESS) atau belum tercapai yang masih tertunda (GAGAL). Itu makanya pembelajar seumur hidup selalu menganggap GAGAL sebagai SUCCESS yang tertunda saja, Karena melalui Improvement mereka akan SUCCESS di masa yang akan datang.
Elemen terakhir dalam MAGIC modern adalah: Commitment. Komitmen dapat disamakan dengan dedikasi, resolusi, sumpah, perjanjian dengan diri sendiri untuk melaksanakan empat elemen yang lain dalam MAGIC itu dengan sasaran utama adalah GOAL (SUCCESS). Komitmen sering menjadi kewajiban yang membatasi kebebasan bertindak “suka-suka”, di mana orang-orang SUCCESS memiliki kebiasaan (habits) untuk mengikuti berbagai peraturan dan persyaratan sebagai kewajiban agar mencapai GOAL (Sasaran) yang telah ditetapkan berbentuk SMARTERS (SMARTERS Goal) yang targetnya akan ditingkatkan terus-menerus sepanjang waktu.
Uraian di atas menunjukkan bahwa apabila kita ingin SUCCESS, maka kita tidak perlu lagi pergi ke dukun-dukun atau tempat-tempat pertapaan untuk mencari MAGIC tradisional (jampi-jampi, jimat, leu-leu, dll), tetapi kita cukup menerapkan “MAGIC” modern menggunakan Systems Thinking untuk mencapai SUCCESS. Systems Thinking untuk MAGIC modern ditunjukkan dalam Bagan 1 terlampir di atas.
Di samping pembelajaran systems thinking melalui MAGIC modern di atas, maka SUCCESS itu sendiri memiliki akronim berikut:
- S = SET and SEE our Big Goal (Tetapkan dan Lihatlah selalu pada Sasaran Besar Kita)
- U = UNDERSTAND the Obstacles (Pahami hal-hal yang menjadi hambatan mencapai sasaran itu)
- C = CLEAR our mind of Doubt (Bebaskan pikiran Kita dari semua keraguan-hilangkan “waste of thinking”)
- C = CREATE a Positive Mental Picture (Ciptakan suatu gambaran mental yang positif)
- E = Embrace the Challenge (Menyukai tantangan-harus berani menghadapi tantangan atau berani GAGAL)
- S = STAY on Track (Tetap pada jalur yang menuju Sasaran Besar kita-harus FOCUS: Follow One Course Until SUCCESS)
- S = SHOW the World we Can DO It (Tunjukkan pada dunia bahwa kita mampu melakukan semua itu)
Memang semudah itu SUCCESS, yaitu menerapkan MAGIC modern dalam pola berpikir SISTEM (Systems Thinking).
Learning Systems Thinking Through Modern “MAGIC” Implementation
By: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Certified Management System Lead Specialist and Auditor
- American Production and Inventory Control Society (www.apics.org) Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM), Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management (CFPIM) and Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP);
- American Society for Quality (www.asq.org) Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE), Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), Certified Quality Auditor (CQA), Certified Quality Improvement Associate (CQIA), and Certified Six Sigma Black Belt;
- International Quality Federation (www.iqf.org) Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt (CSSMBB);
- Registration Accreditation Board (www.exemplarglobal.org) Certified Management System Auditor (CMSA), Certified Management System Practitioneer (CMSP), Certified Management System Specialist (CMSS), and Certified Management System Lead Specialist (CMSLS).
The word MAGIC or mysticism, spell, talisman, “leu-leu” (Kupang language) or others have been commonly known to many people. For those who are highly educated or uneducated, when the thrust of self-MOTIVATION is weak, they will be trapped in the use of ancient MAGIC (mystics, spells, etc.) to help them achieve SUCCESS in any field.
When I met many people on various occasions, I always asked if they believed in “MAGIC” or in other terms such as spell, talisman, “leu-leu”, etc.? Many people always smiled, which had many meanings. Then I always asked why would someone who go to a shaman or place that were considered “sacred”, after returning from that shaman who gave “roots of wood wrapped in a white/black cloth”, then became motivated to work hard and SUCCEED?
Actually their secret of SUCCESS secret is discussed below, where we can learn how their brains, who go to those shamans, work systematically as well as instinctively or naturally and they have had implemented Systems Thinking in the process. Thus, we can study systems thinking through the word “MAGIC”. If my writing is read by the educated shamans, then they will become even more PROFESSIONAL because they participate in disseminating systems thinking to their patients.
When someone with low motivation decided to go to a shaman, he/she certainly had a clear goal, which was to be SUCCESSFUL in a particular field, for example: to be SUCCESSFUL in business, education, position, etc. In the context of modern “MAGIC”, it is said that someone has already had a clear GOAL, namely: SUCCESS. It would be impossible for someone to go to a shaman and ask for FAILURE or set a goal to make him/her FAILED.
This SMARTER (Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Actionable, Result-oriented, Time-bound, Empowerment, Reward & Recognition) goal has been unconsciously embedded in the subconscious (brain) mind that will turn into attitude, habit, and everyday character toward SUCCESS.
The PROFESSIONAL shaman will ALWAYS declare that any GOAL (SUCCESS) can be fulfilled with VERY HEAVY requirements, where the more difficult a GOAL is to be achieved, the more difficult the requirements would be, for example: one OUGHT to prepare a “Foreign” buffalo worth hundreds of millions or billions of rupiahs. BECAUSE the person who seeked SUCCESS through that shaman believed, he would happily fulfill that shaman’s request. Through negotiations and transactions, the shaman would give a physical object that could be seen and held by that seeker of SUCCESS through that shaman.
Returning from the shaman, that person’s motivation would grow further because there had already been a “magical thing” that added to the spirit of working (including doing heavy rituals) for SUCCESS. A PROFESSIONAL shaman must give a HEAVY ritual requirements, so that the seeker of SUCCESS through that shaman becomes more trusting. By the time a person has been motivated to perform any ritual, no matter how difficult it may be, then at that moment, the GOAL has been able to change that person’s mindset to perform ACTION.
When someone has done an ACTION, then he/she SURELY will get RESULT (Achievement), regardless of whether that result has achieved GOAL (SUCCESS) or has not achieved GOAL (Goal Achievement).
In the view of modern management, then that clear target of GOAL has been able to change the MINDSET of those who have that GOAL toward the Goal Achievement called SUCCESS.
Though that seeker of SUCCESS through the shaman, during heavy rituals, had NOT reached GOAL (SUCCESS), but because of the MINDSET, he/she had been convinced that at some point in the future he/she would be SUCCESSFUL, so at this time of waiting, he/she had created room for continuous improvement from his/her ACTION. In this case he/she has created the OFI (Opportunity for Improvement). Ultimately through Commitment to constantly work, make improvements, followed by heavy ritual as a requirement from the shaman, then that seeker of SUCCESS through the shaman would reach GOAL (SUCCESS). Such is the glimpse of working mechanism through traditional MAGIC.
Now do we see how modern “MAGIC” works in the developed countries where the majority of society always think critically and rationally? If someone has a strong motivation, whether highly educated or uneducated, if we look at his/her daily behavior, habits, and characters, then within him/her, he/she has consciously or unconsciously been using modern “MAGIC” in his/her pattern of Systems Thinking. In this case, he/she does not rely anymore on objects or talismans (ancient MAGIC), but he/she has depended on that power of self that has strong MOTIVATION. Such strong motivation is called the modern “MAGIC”, which comes from within oneself that has been embedded in the subconscious mind so that it forms the MINDSET for SUCCESS.
The modern “MAGIC” referred to in this writing is an acronym consisting of five main elements intertwined with one another that shape the behaviors, habits, and characters of SUCCESSFUL people who consciously or unconsciously have applied Systems Thinking in their daily lives. The five elements of the word “MAGIC” are: Mindset, Achievement, Goal, Improvement, Commitment shown in the attached Chart above. In the attached chart above we see that what becomes the central point for controlling everything towards SUCCESS is GOAL. We can map using systems thinking where each element of the word “MAGIC” is related to the POSITIVE direction (giving POSITIVE energy).
SUCCESS starts from GOAL to reach SUCCESS. Furthermore, the GOAL that is compiled with that strength of SMARTERS (Specific, Measurable, Achievable through action, Result-oriented, Time-bound/Timely, Evaluation/Empowerment, Review/Reward & Recognition, Spirituality) will influence or create the correct Mindset. The mindset for SUCCESSFUL people is to create opportunities, whereas the mindset of FAILED people is either waiting or ignoring the opportunity, so that oftentimes the opportunity has been present is ignored with various justification reasons that reflect weak self-motivation.
If the FAILED people always read Opportunity is NOWHERE, then SUCCESSFUL people always read Opportunity is NOW HERE by simply changing the NOWHERE letter arrangement into NOW HERE.
Through the POSITIVE relationship between GOAL and Mindset elements, then through ACTION, we will achieve any result (Goal Achievement through action). Thus, we illustrate using systems thinking that the GOAL Element (SUCCESS) has a POSITIVE effect on the correct Mindset element, and then the Mindset element has a POSITIVE effect on the achievement of the Goal Achievement through Action. Here we can easily understand why SUCCESSFUL people have high Need for Achievement needs while the FAILED people have low need for achievement.
The next element of the word MAGIC is: Improvement, where SUCCESSFUL people always try to make Continual Improvement. Even though SUCCESSFUL people have reached Goal, then the target of the Goal is continually upgraded in order to make “Room for Improvement” throughout their lives. Because SUCCESSFUL people always focus on GOAL (SUCCESS), so even though they have not reached SUCCESS, they constantly make Improvement. In the context of modern management, it is said they created the OFI (Opportunity for Improvement) to always reach SUCCESS constantly. Consciously or unconsciously SUCCESSFUL people have made life-long learning their personal character. Life-long learning can be done through the GOAL that is achieved (SUCCESSFUL) or not yet achieved which is still delayed (FAILED). That’s why life-long learners always think FAILURE as a mere delayed SUCCESS, because through Improvement, they will eventually be SUCCESSFUL in the future.
The last element in modern MAGIC is: Commitment. Commitment can be equated with dedication, resolution, oath, promise with oneself to implement the other four elements in that MAGIC with the main objective of GOAL (SUCCESS). Commitment often becomes an obligation that restricts the freedom of acting “freely”, where SUCCESSFUL people have the habits to follow various rules and requirements as the duty to achieve GOAL which has been set in the form of SMARTERS Goal whose target will be increased continuously all the time.
The above descriptions show that if we want SUCCESS, then we no longer need to go to shamans or hermitage places to look for traditional MAGIC (spells, talisman, leu-leu, etc.), but we simply apply Modern “MAGIC” using Systems Thinking to achieve SUCCESS. Systems Thinking for modern MAGIC is shown in Chart 1 above.
In addition to learning systems thinking through modern MAGIC above, then SUCCESS itself has the following acronym:
- S = SET and SEE our Big Goal (Set and Look Always at Our Great Goals)
- U = UNDERSTAND the Obstacles (Understand the things that become the obstacles to achieve that goal)
- C = CLEAR our mind of Doubt (Free our mind from all doubts – remove “waste of thinking”)
- C = CREATE a Positive Mental Picture
- E = Embrace the Challenge (Enjoy challenges – must dare to face challenge or dare to FAIL)
- S = STAY on Track (Stay on the path towards our Great Goal – must FOCUS: Follow One Course Until SUCCESSFUL)
- S = SHOW the World we Can DO It (Show the world that we are capable of doing all that)
SUCCESS is as easy as that, which is to apply modern MAGIC into the pattern of Systems Thinking.
Best Regards for SUCCESS.