Bahasa Indonesia
Oleh: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
American Society for Quality (www.asq.org) CMQ/OE, CQA, CSSBB, CQE, CQIA
American Production and Inventory Control Society (www.apics.org) CFPIM, CSCP
International Quality Federation (www.iqf.org) Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Registration Accreditation Board (www.exemplarglobal.org) Quality Management System Practitioner
Banyak orang sering mengucapkan pepatah kuno berikut TETAPI hanya sedikit orang yang TELAH mempraktekkannya apalagi sampai membuat pepatah kuno itu menjadi kebiasaan-kebiasaan (HABITS) sebagai seorang profesional yang berkarakter unggul dan memiliki nilai EC (Effectiveness of Competence) di atas 100%.
- “Sekali merengkuh dayung, dua tiga pulau terlampaui, juga sekali tepuk dua lalat artinya satu kali melakukan pekerjaan, mendapatkan beberapa hasil (atau keuntungan) sekaligus”.
- “Sambil menyelam minum air, artinya mengerjakan suatu pekerjaan, dapat pula menyelesaikan pekerjaan atau masalah yang lain”.
- “Sekali membuka pura, dua tiga utang terbayar, artinya satu kali melakukan pekerjaan, mendapatkan beberapa hasil (atau keuntungan) sekaligus”
Tujuan menetapkan “multi objectives” dalam buku The Ultimate SUCCESS Strategy #5 (Penulis: Vincent Gaspersz) adalah berkaitan dengan peningkatan PRODUKTIVITAS (PRODUCTIVITY) setiap waktu selama perjalanan menuju SUCCESS! Di samping itu jika kita menetapkan “multi objectives”, maka kita akan memperoleh banyak hasil (outputs), yang sekaligus juga akan menurunkan risiko KEGAGALAN dalam perjalanan menuju SUCCESS.
Dari Bagan 1 ditunjukkan pola bekerja orang-orang GAGAL versus pola bekerja orang-orang SUCCESS. Tampak bahwa pola bekerja Orang GAGAL seperti garis-garis dalam buku tulis, melalui hanya menetapkan satu tujuan (single objective) dalam setiap kali memulai aktivitas. Sedangkan Orang SUCCESS menetapkan banyak tujuan (multi objectives) ketika memulai suatu aktivitas.
Jelas tingkat PRODUKTIVITAS (PRODUCTIVITY = OUTPUT / INPUT) dari Orang SUCCESS jauh lebih tinggi daripada Orang GAGAL!
Saya pribadi ketika melakukan suatu aktivitas yang serius minimum HARUS memiliki beberapa tujuan sekaligus (multi objectives).
Sebagai misal jika saya akan menulis sebuah buku PRAKTIS (PRAKtek TIdak Sulit), maka proses penulisan buku HARUS memiliki tujuan-tujuan (multi objectives) berikut:
- Tujuan No. 1 (Objective 1 = O1): Merealisasikan Visi VG yaitu: UANG (Usaha Agar Nama Gemilang).
- Tujuan No. 2 (Objective 2 = O2): Memperoleh “Credit Point” (Kum) agar bisa mempertahankan gelar-gelar profesional VG dari APICS—the American Production and Inventory Control Society (setiap 5 tahun sekali harus diperbaharui) dan ASQ—the American Society for Quality (setiap tiga tahun sekali harus diperbaharui).
- Tujuan No. 3 (Objective 3 = O3): Memperoleh pengetahuan baru (new knowledge) dalam proses penulisan buku agar meningkatkan nilai EC (Effectiveness of Competence).
Catatan: VG TIDAK pernah menulis buku yang dia sudah mengetahui atau menguasai ilmu pengetahuan itu, karena jika ini dilakukan, maka TIDAK akan memperoleh pengetahuan baru dari proses pembelajaran melalui penulisan buku itu.
- Tujuan No. 4 (Objective 4 = O4): Memperoleh PENDAPATAN AKTIF melalui menjadi Konsultan dan/atau Master Coach di perusahaan-perusahaan bisnis dan industri.
Catatan: karena sasaran pembaca adalah Top Management dan/atau Pemilik Perusahaan (Owners), maka VG TIDAK MAU menulis buku-buku yang rumit dan bersifat teori karena hal itu TIDAK akan memenuhi Tujuan No. 4 ini yaitu memperoleh kesempatan untuk menjadi Konsultan dan/atau Master Coach.
Buku yang akan dibaca oleh Top Management dan/atau Owners dari perusahaan bisnis dan industri adalah topik-topik yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana menciptakan keuntungan (profitability) bagi bisnis dan industri, bagaimana meningkatkan kualitas agar memuaskan pelanggan, bagaimana memperbaiki proses bisnis dan industri agar meningkatkan produktivitas, kualitas, efisiensi biaya, serta bagaimana meningkatkan keunggulan sumber daya manusia bagi perusahaan bisnis dan industri?
Pada hakekatnya buku-buku yang laris dan akan dibaca oleh Top Management dan/atau Owners perusahaan bisnis dan industri adalah buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan model 5P: Profitability, Products (Goods & Services) Excellence, Processes Excellence, People Excellence, dan Performance Excellence (Continual Performance Improvement). - Tujuan No. 5 (Objective 5 = O5): Mempromosikan KOMPETENSI VG kepada publik sebagai upaya mencapai Tujuan No. 1 (Objective 1 = O1) yaitu merealisasikan Visi UANG (Usaha Agar Nama Gemilang). Penulisan buku merupakan media GRATIS untuk mempublikasikan KOMPETENSI kita kepada publik (setiap halaman belakang buku VG selalu mencantumkan jasa profesional dan riwayat hidup sebagai seorang profesional di bidang bisnis dan industri).
- Tujuan No. 6 (Objective 6 = O6): Memperoleh PENDAPATAN PASIF berupa royalti hasil penjualan buku-buku yang ditulis itu.
Perhatikan banyak orang yang ketika menulis buku HANYA mengejar Tujuan No. 6 (O6) saja dan kadang-kadang itu merupakan satu-satunya tujuan mereka, sedangkan VG menempatkan pada tujuan terakhir sehingga sekalipun Tujuan No. 6 (O6) mungkin GAGAL atau hasilnya tidak sesuai yang diharapkan, maka masih ada lima tujuan lain (O1 sampai O5) yang PASTI SUCCESS!
TAMPAK jelas bahwa berpikir dan menerapkan konsep Multi Objectives akan meningkatkan Produktivitas (Productivity = Output / Input) seperti ditunjukkan dalam Bagan 2 dari PDCA Management Framework, sehingga jika banyak orang HANYA memperoleh “satu” SUCCESS, maka kita akan memperoleh “banyak” SUCCESS sekaligus dari sistem bekerja (Input – Processes – Outputs) yang sangat efektif dan sangat efisien ini.
Semoga tulisan ini menginspirasi banyak orang agar mulai menerapkan kebiasaan bekerja “Multi Objectives” menggunakan PDCA Management Framework seperti ditunjukkan dalam Bagan 2 itu.
Tks. Salam SUCCESS.
Getting “Many” SUCCESSES Simultaneously Using PDCA Management Framework
By: Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
American Society for Quality (www.asq.org) CMQ/OE, CQA, CSSBB, CQE, CQIA
American Production and Inventory Control Society (www.apics.org) CFPIM, CSCP
International Quality Federation (www.iqf.org) Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Registration Accreditation Board (www.exemplarglobal.org) Quality Management System Practitioner
Many people often say the following age-old sayings, BUT only few people practice them, let alone make those old sayings become habits as professionals with excellent character who have EC (Effectiveness of Competence) value above 100%.
- “Sekali merengkuh dayung, dua tiga pulau terlampaui” // “One propel of a paddle, two-three islands are surpassed”, as well as “sekali tepuk dua lalat” // “one clap, two flies”; these mean that while doing one job, getting many results (or gains) simultaneously.
- “Sambil menyelam minum air” // “Drinking water while diving”, which means while doing a job, can also complete another job or problem.
- “Sekali membuka pura, dua tiga utang terbayar” // “Opening a bag once, two-three debts are paid”, which means while doing a job once, obtaining many results (or gains) simultaneously.
The goal of setting “multi-objectives” in The Ultimate SUCCESS Strategy book #5 (Author: Vincent Gaspersz) is associated with the PRODUCTIVITY increase at any time during the journey towards SUCCESS! In addition, if we set “multi-objectives”, then we will obtain a lot of results (outputs), which at the same time will also reduce the risk of FAILURE on the road towards SUCCESS.
Chart 1 above shows the work pattern of FAILED people versus the work patterns of SUCCESSFUL people. It appears that the work pattern of FAILED People is like lines in notebooks, by only assigning one purpose (single objective) everytime starting an activity. While SUCESSFUL people assign many purposes (multi-objectives) when starting an activity.
Obviously, the level of PRODUCTIVITY (PRODUCTIVITY = OUTPUT / INPUT) of SUCCESSFUL People is much higher than of FAILED people!
I personally when doing a serious activity, at minimum MUST have several goals at once (multi-objectives).
For example, if I will write a book PRAKTIS (PRAKtek TIdak Sulit) // PRACTICAL (Practice Is Not Difficult), then the book writing process MUST have the following goals (multi-objectives):
- Objective 1 = O1: Realizing VG’s Vision, which is: UANG (Usaha Agar Nama Gemilang) // Money (Effort to Make Own Name Excellently Well Known).
- Objective 2 = O2: Obtaining “Credit Point” in order to retain VG’s Professional titles from APICS-the American Production and Inventory Control Society (once every 5 years must be renewed) and ASQ-the American Society for Quality (once every three years must be renewed) ,
- Objective 3 = O3: Acquire new knowledge in the book writing process in order to increase the value of EC (Effectiveness of Competence).
Note: VG NEVER writes a book that he has already known or mastered that knowledge, because if this is done, he will NOT acquire new knowledge from the learning process through the writing of that book.
- Objective 4 = O4: Obtaining ACTIVE INCOME through being a Consultant and/or Master Coach in business and industries’ companies.
Note: Because the target readers are Companies’ Top Management and/or Owners, then VG WILL NOT write books that are complicated and theoretical because doing that will NOT meet this Objective No. 4, which is to obtain opportunities to become a Consultant and/or Master Coach.
Books that will be read by the Top Management and/or the Owners of the business and industries’ companies are topics related to how to create profitability for business and industries; how to improve quality in order to satisfy customers; how to improve business and industries’ processes to increase productivity, quality, cost efficiency; as well as how to enhance the benefits of human resources for the business and industries’ companies?
In essence, the best-selling books that will be read by the Top Management and/or Owners of business and industries companies are books related to the 5P model: Profitability, Products (Goods & Services) Excellence, Processes Excellence, People Excellence, and Performance Excellence (Continual Performance Improvement). - Objective 5 = O5: Promoting VG’s COMPETENCY to the public in an effort to achieve Objective No. 1 (Objective 1 = O1), which is to realize the Vision of UANG (Usaha Agar Nama Gemilang) // MONEY (Effort To Make Own Name Excellently Well Known). Book writing is a FREE medium to publicize our COMPETENCE to the public (on the back page of every book, VG always includes professional services and biography as a professional in the field of business and industries).
- Objective 6 = O6: Acquiring PASSIVE INCOME in royalties from the sale of those written books.
Note that many people, when they are writing books, ONLY pursue Objetive No. 6 (O6) alone; and sometimes that is their one and only objective, while VG puts on the last objective so that even if Objective No. 6 (O6) might FAIL or the result is not as expected, then there are still five other objectives (O1 to O5) that will SURELY be SUCCESSFUL!
It LOOKS clear that thinking and applying the concept of Multi-Objectives will increase Productivity (Productivity = Output / Input) as shown in Chart 2 of PDCA Management Framework below, so that if many other people ONLY obtain “one” SUCCESS, then we will get “a lot” of SUCCESSES at once from this very effective and efficient work system (Input – Processes – Outputs).
Hopefully this article inspires many people to begin implementing “Multi-Objectives” work habit using PDCA Management Framework as shown in that Chart 2 above.
Thank you. Best Regards for SUCCESS.