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The Executive Guide to Implementing Lean Six Sigma: Strategi Dramatis Reduksi Cacat/Kesalahan, Biaya, Inventori, dan Lead Time dalam Waktu Kurang dari 6 Bulan

Vincent Gaspersz
Gramedia Pustaka Utama | ISBN: 9792237879
Publication year:2008

All-in-One Finance for Non-Financial Managers: 18 Models and Key Analyses in Financial Management and Lean Accounting | Contoh Aplikasi pada Bisnis dan Industri

Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Vinchristo Publication: Bogor | ISBN: 9786021957721
Publication year:2012

Business Process Improvement Using DMAICS Approach: Contoh Aplikasi pada Bisnis dan Industri

Vincent Gaspersz, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Tri-Al-Bros Publishing: Bogor | ISBN: 9786029943715
Publication year:2002

Pembentukan Karakter Success Melalui The Ultimate Success Strategy: Cara Cepat Meraih Kebebasan Finansial (Cepat Kaya) dengan Santai (Bebas Mengendalikan Waktu)

Prof. Dr(Eng). Ir. Vincent Gaspersz, M.St, D.Sc, CFPIM, CSCP, CMQOE, CSSMBB, CQE, CQA, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Vinchristo Publication: Bogor | February 2012 | ISBN: 9786021957738
Publication year:2012

Business Process Excellence Peningkatan Terus-Menerus Menuju Perusahaan Kelas Dunia

Vincent Gaspersz
Vinchristo Publication: Bogor
Publication year:2011

Metode Peningkatan Kualitas PDSA

Vincent Gaspersz
Vinchristo Publication: Bogor | ISBN: 9786029991802
Publication year:2011

Organizational Excellence Model: Strategik Menuju World Class Quality Company

Vincent Gaspersz
Gramedia Pustaka Utama | ISBN: 97922280
Publication year:2007

GE Way and Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence: Mengungkap 25 Rahasia Kepemimpinan Jack Welch, Mantan CEO General Electric yang Menjadikan GE Perusahaan Nomor Satu Dunia yang Paling Kompetitif


Vincent Gaspersz
Gramedia Pustaka Utama | October, 2007 | ISBN: 9792232389
Publication year:2007